Thanks for the feedback!
- I'm working on the delete buildings feature. It's easier for workshops and demand buildings but a bit tricky for markets.
- Yes, progression based on max population is the big next feature, it will allow me to work on balancing the game and make it more interesting in the long run i hope. FYI demand buildings is just a way to have demand for resources not needed by population (like luxury resources) and so it's a way to make money by providing these resources.
- Ah ah :) An emergent mini-game inside the game! Nice! ... Ok I have to change that, I think nothing will happen when mouse hover a building and you have to click on it to display the details window.
- I think this is due to the inability to cancel a workshop production line when it's selected and waiting for resources (you have a symbol in front of the selected line). I fixed this and now the production line is chosen whenever the mode of one of the lines is changed. Feature available is the next release (v0.1.2, next week if all goes well).
- Simple version of trade routes display is done. A link is displayed between markets if one of the routes passes through them. I will add an option to enable/disable display because it can be a mess... Feature available in the next release (v0.1.2)
- Working on better resources distinction. Resources now have a letter in addition to the color. This letter is also displayed on exploitation and workshop nodes. Available in v0.1.2.
- I disagree, it is not consistent to force a buy, and let a workshop stockpile would change the game logic. Everything is about supply and demand, and while a workshop produces it doesn't know what will be it's next production and has no demand. Think of it like a physical craftsman who can not be at the same time in his workshop and at the market. And why buy now if the price will go down later? And what will happen if several workshops are connected to the same market? Which one stockpile? Do they put buy orders (demand) on the market for their stock, which will drive up price? This is my on-the-spot reactions but actually i like the idea of stockpile, storage node or warehouse. It requires reflection...
- I think the "can only have one city" problem is mainly due to a problem of balancing. I have to work on.