Theme Implementation: 2/5. I do see a time-related mechanic, but I have a hard time seeing the "broken" part of it... This is my first review for this jam, so I'll be looking forward to finding games that find a good way to implement "broken time".
Special Object: 1/5. I don't see a microphone... Okay, I do see two black pixels when pressing J or K, but you couldn't tell it's a microphone. I don't understand, why does the player use a microphone to speed up time? It feels like it's just there because you had to put a microphone in your game. I wish there was an explanation for the microphone's presence!
Fun Factor: 3/5. It's okay. The most fun part is when you jump really high, that feels good :D Also, thank goodness we don't respawn too far away, because some jumps are super annoying!!
Gameplay: 3/5. There is some variety of content. Some of it feels superficial, like oh no, this platform's going way too fast, guess I'll have to slow down time... For the most part, it's obvious what to do, which can be both a good thing and a bad thing.
Audio: 4/5. It's good! I wish the music slowed down or sped up when holding J or K, but maybe it would sound weird?
Visuals: 4/5. Definitely good. The tileset looks nice. The slowdown/speedup visual effect looks nice too.
I'll mostly remember this game for the fun high jumps section at the end and for the nice pixel art + visual effects. Congratulations!!