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Reading through the community's feedback so far it seems everyone has provided similar thoughts. Not make myself redundant here are some other perspectives I can provide after being able to clear 0.15 Premium Version past Day 30 and waiting for the next 0.15.5 patch.

New additions for version 0.15.5

•Daily usable energy will be increased to 20.

I believe this is a much needed quality of life improvement. I found myself optimizing the perfect start in days 1-10 to set up days 11-20 and the future weeks to come. After about 4-5 failed runs, I was able to clear it on my 6th after learning what to prioritize with the current mechanics. Like others have stated, the daily usable energy window of 10 was very tight and allowed no room to explore other functions in the game. I found myself prioritizing Gold and Sanity like a madman. Gold could resolve the Food and Soldier costs once Gold production was streamlined. I learned the hard way that Sanity could only be obtained via the Prison haha. I had 2 runs where my Sanity led me to Game Over. 

In my successful Day 30 run for the current 0.15 version, I found myself mindlessly spamming the following  for many of my in-game days to optimize the 10 Energy Cap limitation:

1. Huntress Tillie (-1 Energy)  > Help > -4 Energy for +20 Gold   = -5 Energy Interaction Total for +20 Gold

2. Blacksmith Rania (-1 Energy) > Help > -2 Energy for +10 Gold = -3 Energy Interaction Total for +10 Gold

3. Mistress Annabel (-1 Energy) > Request = -1 Energy for +10 Gold

4. Warden Roheisa (- Energy) > Request > Use Gloryhole > Select Gloryhole level.

Upgrade wise, the building upgrades that I found myself prioritizing were: Gold + Sanity Production Buildings.

1. Spymaster Victoria (Gold)

2. Librarian Sylavia (Gold)

3. Warden Roheisa (Gold + Sanity) > The Sanity Production limitation to this one building and requiring 1/10 energy to combat the -10 daily Sanity Consumption was a bottle neck. I can see how it may be resolved by the 20 energy cap, but hopefully there will be more ways to produce sanity in the future.

Food and Soldiers I found to have the least priority once the Gold Production was streamlined. In the current state of the game:

1. Food production is only necessary to combat the daily Food Consumption and often times I just needed to be net positive or zero. I recall seeing Farmer Mollie saying we will be able to sell extra food for coins, but did not see the feature implemented. May be in a future update possibly.

2. Soldiers are only needed to be kept above 0 in order to survive the day or Blood Moon wars. Often found myself allowing a -1 to -3 Daily Soldier Consumption as a result until my Gold Production was able to bring Soldier production back to zero. I mostly optimized for Arrows and Stones from Blacksmith Rania which were enough for clearing the Day 30 Blood Moon.

In both instances, I would love to see more functionality of the Food and Soldier resources. As currently, there really isn't much use for them, but I am sure you have a lot of features planned.

•Going to visit characters will continue to consume -1 energy. I will make some adjustments to the energy limitation.

Seems fair for the current state of the game. The increase of the daily useable energy to 20 will allow for more breathing room and flexibility on gameplay decisions to the Player.

•The amount of energy you spend on helping characters with their work will decrease.

That will help tremendously in the current state of the game, but may need to be revisited for game balance in the future.

•Daily expenses will be organized.

Another quality of life improvement. Had to personally calculate the net positive/negative values of Gold, Soldiers, and Food after every blood moon to get my production in check. I was wondering when a daily expense summary would be introduced. 

•Main and side quests will be added. A new area will be added to the room so you can look at the quests.

•The price and damage of items you use in sieges will be adjusted.

•When you visit Hudson, you will have a few village problems to solve. New problems will be added every few days. If these problems accumulate and remain unresolved, your respect will start to diminish.

•A few new romantic scenes with the characters will be added.


Note: I have completed most of the new features and in my experience the game is now much more playable. I'm planning to install the new version of the game after I've progressed the story. It's time to build a castle to defend our village...

After playing Clover Revenge,  I was really impressed with what you made with the knowledge and resources you had available in real life to make this game. Keep up the great work. Excited to see how the choices we made in Season 1 will affect Season 2 story wise. It's giving me Dragon Age World State vibes on a smaller scale.


It will be interesting to see how the energy cap and changes made to 0.15.5 will affect the gameplay from 0.15. There are a few things others have brought up that will also upvote.

1. Music Index as suggested by @Nep - I been loving the music a lot and was pleasantly surprised.

2. Thankfully with the 20 energy cap, Players can finally explore relationships with the characters more and deepen their relationships. Can't wait to see what you have in store. Hopefully there are events where our choices matter that can alter the World State of Season 3 if we get there haha.

Can't really think of much more at this time, but let me know if there's something you would like an opinion on and I would be happy to answer.




Thank you for explaining it so well. Obviously, after completing the version, your requests kept coming. So instead of releasing 0.15.5, I continued to develop the game. I think I'll leave the story progression for the next update. First of all, this is a good opportunity to see if the system in the game is currently balanced. Thanks to the side quests and main quests, some of the options you will see when you communicate with the characters will start to open in the coming days. In this way, we will also prevent the game from entering the loop. There will be no shortage of food in the first weeks of the game. Many players will try to get through the day and collect money by keeping food around 100. Those who know me will realise this is a trap. In future updates, I still recommend you to have food ready in your warehouse as a backup. The game won't just be about our village. Different battles will take place in different regions. For this, other kingdoms and lords need to be opened. I plan to use these new mechanics that we will use in battles in different regions. I hope you will continue to tell your requests and suggestions in the next updates. Obviously, thanks to you, I have improved myself and I would love to continue to improve...


Sounds exciting! Looking forward to the future updates and sharing whenever I get to playing. Cheers mate.