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(1 edit) (+1)

The introspection of a desperate man in denial. Light on consequence, but a satisfying read to slake your thirst.

Edit: I don't know what I was talking about, the entire inner monologue is a product of the choices he has made. That's what the kids call a "consequence".


Glad you enjoyed it! As for the connection to the theme, I wanted to explore the idea of agreeing to a devil's bargain and underestimating the consequences. Though, as the story focuses more on the way the protagonist is living with the consequences, the circumstances that led there are admittedly only brought up briefly. With more time and more space, going into more detail regarding Alenzio's decision to seek help from a vampire might actually have been interesting, though.

Sorry, that was a dumb comment I made. I was suffering from my own consequences lol

Lmao all good