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I WIn!

I like that you put quite several twists there, the buttons, the light/sanity aspect, the generated monsters. I'd say the game is ambitious in the context especially as they work and mesh well together.

I like that you can't place a torch on a grate, this kind of simulation aspects which also adds an interesting aspect to gameplay is cool.

It took me some time and was satisfying to finally assimilate all thse things. At first I totally missed the light thing so I kept getting overwhelmed by enemies and eventually had to restart instead of going on after dying when there were 10 enemies in the room I was in. I also did not understand why I could not place torches (which I did not realise were so important but I just wanted them to provide light so I could see better) outside of the first room, I realised only later I must have simply been on a grate when I tried. Finally I did not realise I could smash enemies for keys either (with plenty of enemies appearing I eventually did not try to fight them at all) and was wondering why there were so many doors that I had no idea how to access, I thought there was something I did not understand with the button and that I needed to find secrets to unlock the doors. In the end everything made sense and after enjoying the discovery I also enjoyed playing to finally win.

The gameplay loop does work well, trying not to die (not sure how many times I died in lava especially during my successful run but plenty) is easier said than done, management of the different resources is fun, trying to put your torches in the right place so that you don't have to get back to the previous one 1 mile away and get back every 20 seconds. Combat system is simple but works and you want to kill enemies before there are too many in a room especially ones with a range attacks. The few traps and lever puzzles gives some depth to the dungeon and enhance the pacing of the game.

The game also looks pretty cool, both the environments and the enemies which integrate very well into the environment.

This is a great entry, thanks for sharing.

Thanks for playing and providing detailed feedback!