I am sorry, but I didn't like that game
First of all, I'm not a fan of visual novels, so take what I say with a grain of salt.
The choices, in an interactive story, must give the player the illusion of having choice. But not there, you have nearly always two similar choices.
"No, that can't be kids !" or "Pffft, kids ? No !"
Second of all, the beginning of the story is not really believable to me. The character first don't want to write to his dead lover, but the next scene after he said that, he's changed his mind and we don't even know why.
Last, I didn't really know what to feel while reading this. Sometimes it is really serious and grave, the guy lost his gf and he has to see a psychiatrist to get over with it. We have a really dark tone.
And then in the purgatory the demon seem... Cartoonish. In its way of talking, saying "Errr old sterotypes amiright' which makes it yeah, comical.
That begin said, the whole art, the dark/white thing is great. The fact that the demon and the psychiatrist have the same sprite is interesting. And music really fits well.
But yeah, I didn't get into the story which is for me a big regret for a game based on story.
Hope you didn't find my review too harsh, but again, this is only my point of view, I'm not a big fan of visual novels in the first place ^^'