Right off the bat I have to say I love the name, very Lovecraftian.
Visually I love it, the old school green monocrhomatic aesthetic is beautiful. Looks crunchy, but clear and readable. I also like the enemy and environment art, gives off a very foreboding mood.
The sound was also much better than I expected for a game with this aesthetic.
The control scheme is straight forward and feels good, though sometimes I wish I had continuous movement. I found in other entries I haven't been crazy about using forward movement to interact/attack but I didn't mind it here.
The progression mechanics while simple also worked well. Though I wish there was some way to heal other than levelling up. If the player is unlucky enough to run into a Gug without near full health, the run can be over pretty quick.
I'm not sure if I'm a fan of turning being counted as a move, I lost a fair bit of health just trying to find the first enemy I encountered.
I also wish there was proper fullscreen support, but I can understand that being out of scope.
I should mention I did reach the win screen, though accidentally as the exit didn't seem to stand out as anything special. I don't know if there's a different win screen when you find all cats, but I'm happy I managed to reach an ending at least.
It's no Star Explorers, but I really liked it. Great work!