Environment art is gorgeous, and the horrors are horrifically cute!
Apparently I misinterpreted the save/load icons and never saved my game (or, if there was a save, I immediately saved over it when starting a new one :( ). At least saying "no save game available to load" when I kept clicking on the "load game" icon while playing would have been nice to know it wasn't actually saving :(. Note to self: top one is save
After dying and starting a new game, all of the dialogs appear to have not reset, including, perhaps very importantly, the one that gives me stimpacks from the backpack... I suspect I need to restart again... Yup, had to restart, couldn't make it back to the Captain on just 1 stimpack it seems. On my third run, after a complete reset, this time with much saving, it all worked out. And, apparently, I was right before the end when I died! I would have liked one more level, I think =).
It feels weird that encounters are sometimes triggered upon turning, I usually think of looking around as a "free" action in this kind of game... Although, I can't quite figure out how it works - sometimes I can sit and spin in circles and eventually I'll get an encounter, but then sometimes not... are there like invisible monsters roaming around and not actually random encounters? Nope, doesn't seem like it... minimum distance since last encounter?
Combat felt nice, although wasn't much depth, at least I could think a little bit about whether or not to do a dodge attack or a main attack and hope to save a few HP, although the randomness in damage meant it was often unclear if my strategy worked =). The sounds on combat were very satisfying, and I liked the monster names and their descriptions as they arrive and leave.
Great job!