But it turns out I'm STILL trapped after all, because this time, the game won't let you return to your motel room after you leave it, which locks you into going into the next dungeon since like the previous place, you can't even leave the area it's in without clearing it.
So apparently if you ended up needing to make more money so you can buy the carnival goodies, you'd better reload to the very beginning and do ALL THE FARMING YOU NEED FOR THE ENTIRE GAME when you have free roam before the game even starts.
I don't think I like this game design? Yeah, I hate it.
Edit: There's a save point in front of the haunted house, and thankfully you can go back to the carnival as long as you don't enter the dungeon. It's also possible to win the wizard's casino game. I won't speak of the odds, but so long as you have the cash to buy at least two(?) skull tokens, it's theoretically possible to savescum to grind up enough via casino to buy the carnival goodies. I won't speak of the odds though, and I'd much prefer straightforward money grinding and just buying the damn tokens.