This is just speculation, but it feels like being sick drains your health gradually, while eating Sauge and the rest of the foods that make you feel stronger combats that by regenerating your health gradually, which may or may not outpace the drain. However, if you can't sleep comfortably, the maximum amount you can heal up to takes a hit and you see your health bar stopping recovery further and further from your actual max health. To fix that you'd want to sleep on a bed or a bedroll while the temperature is at 15 or higher, then eat a Sauge when you wake up.
Recent community posts
I can see a Prototype tag on the drop-down menu, but not a Released tag?
Is there a way I can exclude in-development/prototype/canceled/demo/etc. games from my searches? I'm sure all of those games are very fun to play despite some lack of features and functionality, but sometimes I want an experience that's more complete.
Let me just express a concern about procedurally generated dungeons. While I like the potential for replayability with randomly generated layouts, I keep getting this nagging feeling that there might be a vested interest in that idea from some guy that would benefit from making it more difficult for others to beat his score by changing the racetrack.
Well, of course it could go both ways and someone down the line could get a map that's trivial to clear with all discoveries, but that's unfairness on the other end of the spectrum, no?
Thanks dude. I saw a post here recently that implied the site didn't have the functionality, and then using search just slipped my mind.
...Huh? If I read it right, this workaround doesn't let you exclude multiple tags. Oh well, one crumb is better than none, I guess. Thanks.
Edit: Does this only work if searching while logged in? I tried putting the link on my bookmarks and clicked it while logged out earlier, and it didn't work, but maybe it was something else?
I love the flavor text, how some of it is serious and some of it is completely silly. The characters are cute! So rare for a dungeon crawler. And clash amusingly with the setting. It's great.
I thought it was funny that the first choice I got for leader was between a firebird and an orc, and the orc was named Phoenix.
CRT filter makes the game blurry, or idk might be because my screen resolution is low. So glad I can turn it off.
Are you making a downloadable?
...Can I adopt the cat? Or return it to its owner, whatever.
There's a typo on LOG 100.7. Who's is short for "who is". The word you're looking for is whose.
There's an idea in the Questions forum that's interesting, but it looks like it didn't make its way here. So here it is.
"I don't think there is a way to block a creator's game from the search results but if there is could someone share, thanks."
On my end, there's apparently at least one creator on here that doesn't want people like me touching its games, so I want to respect that and not even see them anymore so there's no chance of a misclick accidentally leading me into one of their game pages.
Hey, I got banned from viewing the comments on Silver Thread Deux for saying this, but I wanted to tell you, Alicia is female. She's referred to as a 'she' on the game description, and by the dev, too. That's pretty much as close to Word of God as you can get. Looks like she was born with the opposite set of junk down under, though, don't she?
I really don't understand why the dev is so touchy about something it directly stated itself, but whatever.
Backtracking to see if I can get other paths.
If you tell Arnie not to come over at the haunted house, then proceed to delete the footage and surrender, unless you snark at the cop, the game will lock up after you use the brush on your handcuffs.
There's something wrong with the handcuff timer, too. I reckon it's supposed to run so the game will do something if you forgot to pick up the item you're supposed to pick it with, but it looks like it will only run if you snark, and nothing happens if it runs out. Ergo, if you don't have the brush, you're going to have to reload.
If you're wearing any of the three costumes you can buy at the carnival, the cop will still say you had no costume. Actually, if you were wearing the default disguise, he says you had no costume, too.
If you stay silent or confess, after the cop leaves the room, the dialogue for snarking plays, and you get the prompt for getting the handcuffs off, but as previously stated, the timer won't start and the game locks up.
Same thing if Arnie's with you, except the game can tell if you're wearing a costume now. You can talk to Arnie in the cell, but one of the options was locked for me because I wasn't in negative standing with Arnie. Not sure how to get on his bad side.
I can't see any more options that might unlock a different path, so I guess I'm done.
I can't believe this guy used to charge for this. Well, it's free now, so I guess it saves me the trouble of getting a refund.
I came here with the exact same complaint, and lo and behold, it is unsurprisingly not only already made, but also disappointingly left to rot like it is everywhere else.
Is there a way to block those placeholders? When I block something, I want it to completely cease to exist on my end. None of these placeholders constantly reminding you that the blocked thing is still making useless noise right beside you, and there's no way to make it stop; in fact the system itself will make useless noise on its behalf.
Finished one "ending" on my other laptop while the potato is heading off for repairs. Yes, having it fixed is still more practical for me than buying a new one.
First off, the difficulty in the school is BRUTAL. It forces you to fight multiple Gatekeeper bosses solo, which doesn't look doable unless you had the Purge skill beforehand, because you know Rage? The skill that lets you do double damage? They have two buddies that come out in the middle of the fight that buff them with it. And not even Ninja Star + Evasion + Tank will save you, they can hit you through 35% accessory evade + a 65% evade buff AND kill you through 80% damage reduction. And you will probably spend the whole battle struggling to keep those buffs up.
You can get Purge from the cutscene between the end of the Haunted House and the start of the school, but if you don't have any backup saves, gg.
Oh, and if you needed to make money for whatever between the dungeons, remember that paragraph I struck out in a previous post? Turns out the only moment you have with free roam is the one chance you get before the first dungeon, and boy, do you need it.
If somehow you manage to make it through the Gatekeepers, the boss will start to chase you. If you loved the insta-gameover bullcrap in the haunted house, you're in for a treat, because this is more of the same and the boss can even corner you while you're saving, so that when you load, it's SITTING RIGHT BESIDE YOU raring to send you to the game over screen again. And again. And again. You can actually escape that if it happens, but it was so traumatizing I can't remember how I pulled it off.
If you manage to get past that, Ronin and Arnie are waiting to join your party outside. Arnie shows up even if you refused his help in the haunted house. And just like in the haunted house, he comes with no equipment other than a shotgun. Which is actually better than that mooch Ronin, who previously joined you naked and refuses to wear a costume to cover up.
I'm not sure how you get the bonus from the haunted house, and I'm pretty sure I don't care to go through that BS a third time just so I can find out, but simply telling Arnie to sit tight isn't it. And having Arnie in your party at that point (iirc) gives you a dialogue choice to not blow it sky high, not that I took it.
Oh, and the cutscene after your escape throws out an error that freezes the game if you happen to have resized the window. And guess who thought the window was too big for my taste. I swear this game has the cheapest game overs.
Going back to the school, once you pick up your flunkies you can go back into the room the boss is camping and lead it through a merry chase through a DARK area as you do the puzzle that lets you pull its heart out of what looks to be a fusebox. Which is in a tiny room that it can follow you into. And as a bonus, it even has a savepoint you can use to corner yourself into getting camped again. Fortunately, your flunkies are immune to deathtouch and you can use them as shields to somewhat block off the boss. Though I'm pretty sure I just got lucky and ended up in a configuration that let me slip though despite having saved the game with the boss already bearing down on the 1-person-wide corridor that was the only exit out of the room.
And I thought the haunted house was BS. Turns out it was the game's idea of being nice.
After you take the heart and run, you get a scene outside. And you can FINALLY fight the boss without it instakilling you with a single nudge. Except it won't stay dead. Each time you kill it, it waits for a short while and then attacks you again. If you have the resources, you can farm it for the lulz. But that really is the final boss, because once you complete the next objective, it's a non-combat zone until the credits. You get a cliffhanger, you never find the COVID UMA or discover why the game's title references the lungs. After the credits you can make a clear save you can't load.
I'm going to leave behind links to a couple of saves. File1 is at the beginning of the game before the first dungeon with some farming done, and file8 is just before entering the haunted house with the carnival stuff bought. Should make this game a bit more tolerable to those that are already sick of its jackassery.
Before you insert these files into the save folder, you need to save in slot 1 and slot 8, otherwise the game won't detect them. Then delete the throwaway saves you just made and insert the saves from the links below.
file1 -
file8 -
Edit: The icons for the throwaway saves are still going to display on the save menu until you load and save over them.
Ah, so that was it. Sounds (or lack thereof, haha) good!
Edit: Just tried making a female character on 0.7.3, and yes, the female voice is there, but not quite as smooth as the male voiceclips. May I suggest Grimoire of Souls?
...or is that going to get you into trouble?
Wayback Machine has an archive of the previous version at
Note that saves from the newest version of the game are not backwards compatible.
So this one's probably just my potato being a potato, but the part in the Haunted House where the boss chases you around IS SO LAGGY. Ugh, and the game crashed when I went through the stairs after I lit the furnace.
This one's probably coded in though, when I reloaded and lit the furnace again, the room with the save point blew up when I went in and dropped me in a black screen. With the game-over-on-touch boss in it, naturally.
It's getting so the most terrifying thing about this game is anticipating the next crash and thinking about how it's mechanically going to screw you over next.
But it turns out I'm STILL trapped after all, because this time, the game won't let you return to your motel room after you leave it, which locks you into going into the next dungeon since like the previous place, you can't even leave the area it's in without clearing it.
So apparently if you ended up needing to make more money so you can buy the carnival goodies, you'd better reload to the very beginning and do ALL THE FARMING YOU NEED FOR THE ENTIRE GAME when you have free roam before the game even starts.
I don't think I like this game design? Yeah, I hate it.
Edit: There's a save point in front of the haunted house, and thankfully you can go back to the carnival as long as you don't enter the dungeon. It's also possible to win the wizard's casino game. I won't speak of the odds, but so long as you have the cash to buy at least two(?) skull tokens, it's theoretically possible to savescum to grind up enough via casino to buy the carnival goodies. I won't speak of the odds though, and I'd much prefer straightforward money grinding and just buying the damn tokens.
Oh, and Soda's description says it has a 30% chance of permanently increasing your stamina by 1 point, which makes you assume it means your Maximum Stamina, but what actually happens when you hear the chime that signals the extra effect triggering, is you recover 1 point of stamina. Or nothing if your stamina's already full.
And I just cleared the first dungeon, but when I went back to the motel to save, I find that there's an invisible wall blocking the exit, and I can't get out. Luckily I had a different save I could load to salvage my game, but this seems to be a persistent bug. Closing and reopening the game, then playing through the second save to clear the first dungeon still lands me in a motel room with the exit blocked.
...And playing through the second file a third time reveals that I should sleep, except you only get the clue if you try to go into a dungeon other than the one you just cleared. Which is about the last thing I'd do if I just cleared a dungeon and wanted to save after the cutscene.
I guess the game expects us to stumble around talking to bacground props that were unresponsive the first time we explored the area.
I'm especially salty because I crafted a crapton of items before I realized I was trapped the first time, and now I have to do it all over because the game will only tell you you're supposed to be trapped if you don't get trapped in the first place.
Nah, i got it. It's simple enough. Thanks for listening. Although, do please consider pre-patching your future releases, since fresh installs want to be patched anyhow. I feel that separate patch files should be more for people who already have the game, so they don't have to redownload the whole thing.
Oh, and the game's crashed twice while I was farming. Not sure what really causes it, since it crashed in different in-game locations, but both times I had just sold 130,000 worth of a single item (in two batches, doing some shopping in between), and I was heading back to the Black Market to sell another load.
I am extremely unhappy that there's no savepoint at your motel room, and the only accessible place with a savepoint is a dungeon that locks you in when you enter. And that the mooks in there take out at least half your life bar per encounter, and there's no way to heal other than a few scraps you can pick up or a skill you can use every 4 turns or so, that heals you for 10% while enemies damage you for 30% a turn if you're lucky, and 10% a turn if you're really lucky and they only hit you with DoT ailments on the first turn before you get your dodge off.
At this point I just want to farm up, gear up, and steamroll this shitshow so I can find that COVID UMA, or whatever the premise of this game is supposed to be. What is up with the crashing?
Edit: Just found the savepoint in the motel room, not sure how I missed it the first hundred times I went through that place, but I guess it doesn't really stand out. Still take issue with the crashing. Also still don't like how the very first dungeon will butcher the unprepared, but that's probably exactly how the game is designed.
The max money you can hold is 99,999. The shop lets you sell stuff to a value higher than that, but any money in excess of 99,999 is discarded.
I haven't hit the inventory cap yet, but it's over 4,000. (Edit: it's 9999.)
Also, the title is kind of a turn-off. Are we fighting COVID or something?
Playing anyway to see what UMAs have to do with lung disease.
So um, I'm probably completely alone on this, but why is there a technical barrier for entry?
I understand that it's actually not complicated at all to install the patch, unlike some games out there that ask you to recompile the source code or whatever it is without even a single hint of what to use and how, and I'm probably the only person in the world that would nope out b/c of CPTSD from too many l33t haxx0rs haranguing me over pAtCh ToO t3cH1E 4Me when I just want to play instead of earning a computer science degree, but... just why?
Oh, I downloaded it, I just wanted to rant. But would it not have worked to zip up the installation folder, patch included?