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I would have to say I had a lot of fun with the GUI and the overall design of the viusal novel, it looks quite polished and very much in tune with the overall theme of the visual novel, especially with the save/load screen. My main problem would have to be how the dialogue box takes up nearly half of the screen and obscures the cg of Sacha and it can be quite disruptive when trying to immerse oneself.

But aside from that, I like how we learn a bit more about Sacha's struggles in finding her identity, especially with so many expectations towards her race which is Succubi (I personally am in the camp that Succubi are people who bottom and not are limited to gender) but I also like how we get fun bits about her such as her love for soda cans and her opinions on clothes, it feels a bit more chill and focuses on the aspect of communication rather than sex in itself. 

Of course, I love the art for Sacha and everything else, especially with her eyes, they look expressive despite being in those hooded seductive look she has (which I suppose is natural to succubi nature). Amazing work done here~!


Thank you, your comment is very much appreciated!! The textbox and the wing were one of my few grips and I did realise a bit late that they were taking a lot more space than needed. 

I do plan to come back to this story and that will very much be one of the things to fix. I am glad the story came off more relaxed (which was my goal, so yay) and thank you again for your comment and kind compliements!