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(2 edits) (+2)

Can't tell you how much I love the game and how fun it's been. I hope you do more with it and good luck with any new projects you might work on! I do have some comments about the current state of the game.

I have found a bit of an oversight if the coalition blows up too close to the next election the election will be pushed back. Surely the election should just happen as scheduled with no more government cards to play. On a similar note I probably shouldn't get the Shuffle Cabinet card if SPD is in the majority. Minor nitpick, but the dozen or so zeros that show up after implementing the WBT plan is unsightly.

From a gameplay perspective it seems backwards that legalizing abortion is only available after wining a majority in the Reichstag. I suppose it is a fun bonus after you "beat" the game, but it seems like it could more interesting to add some mechanic to get it passed that would help you with women as a distinct demographic, although unlocking it would obviously have to be punishing. Additionally, I consistently don't get the Women's Rights card after the election. Its possibly just luck, but with the small window of opportunity it should be prioritized if it's to be the "prize" for winning.

I totally get why you don't want to push past 1933, but it would be nice to play to 1933 in the event of a Total Victory Civil War, maybe similar to the Braun emergency government. Also, It would be nice to have a log of all our actions in the Library so I can check which ones I've taken. I'd also rock to have achievements, but I might be asking to much at this point.

I'd totally pay like $5-$20 on steam for this game if it meant it could get regular updates like the stuff I suggested, but that's just me. 

Edit: Took out the part about deporting Hitler.


Same! I also think this type of game would fit nicely with other periods like the cultural revolution or smth similar


couple extra comments:

- Don't like the Nazi alarm thing for deporting Hitler. If I find he's doing crimes and he isn't a German national then I should be able to deport him.

- Easy mode shouldn't have the shuffle leadership card pop up even if I can get rid if it by clicking the permanent one. 

- Carl Serving having only Prussian Bulwark seem lacking.

- [edit more if I think of any]