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Thanks for playing!

This was my first real attempt at a PS1 style game so I’m happy you liked it!

Yeah the movement has been kinda divisive and frankly I can see both sides. I think it feels more like you’re underwater like you say, but it does also make parts of the game genuinely tedious I’ve found on repeat playthroughs. I don’t think I’ll make the player super fast, but the movement will at least be getting a second look post-jam. I’m definitely happy to hear you found it immersive though!

So there is only one ending but multiple were originally planned, specifically the player keeping the blood pearl and then being converted by Neptune. I decided to cut it because in every other jam game I made with multiple endings they ended up being too tedious to replay. So I decided to play it safe and focus on making the first playthrough as good as possible.

In hindsight I probably should have made the game pause while talking to the ghosts, that was just a scope thing and I didn’t wanna risk the game not resuming afterwards.

I mentioned the cause of the wall clipping glitch in a few other comments, but yeah they aren’t supposed to do that. There are no secret passages sadly.

To be honest when I was making this game I was thinking “if the biggest complaint is it’s not long enough then that’s the best case scenario”. I knew I didn’t have time to make a long game, and didn’t want to risk the game wearing out its welcome. The combat as you saw isn’t that in-depth and there’s only so long the atmosphere could realistically be kept up. I don’t regret keeping it short, but I’m 100% happy to hear you wanted more!

Thanks again for playing and the feedback!