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Love this game – if there is a way you could offer even more levels as a DLC, or a sequel I'd love that. Or maybe a quirky 'mission-mode' or something.

If I could offer one small constructive critique it would be that the game-art, while perfect in general, has one flaw that jars with the perfection of the rest of the art. It's the large ship (that you enter at the end of levels, and is in cutscenes). The way it's drawn is off somehow – shape is a bit off – needs detail or something. I get its a basic style – but that one object is too basic. It just looks bad compared to everything else and could do with some tweaking or something so it's not just an outline at that size. I'd even be happy to have a go myself if it helped. Anyway, outside of that your game is perfection.

I hope it's ok to mention – if I thought the game was just ok I wouldn't care to say anything, but it's just so close to perfect. Thx.