That's awesome. Thanks!
Recent community posts
Hi. Please may I buy a rom of the other Rocket Panda game – I tried contacting Mega Cat Studios – and was told to contact you for a rom. I really want to play this game in particular. I don’t have any original hardware but wish to play the game. Please tell me how I can buy a rom of that game (the 'luna lander type game sold physically under Mega Cat Studios.
Hi Evan, and thank you for the reply. that sounds great! I guess I just wanted to really convey that there are some of us who really appreciate good rumble in a game, so I'm happy to hear it'll go on the list – and I'll be very much looking forward to it – both on OG hardware and the Miyoo (actually, now the RG28XX, which blows the Miyoo out the window, and is kinda the ultimate modern GB Micro! – for me anyway).
Best wish for all your projects.
- Hi, Evan Bowman. Your game is amazing – your wonderfully stylised art and sound direction for this game is unmatched on the GBA. Even the Bitstream games didn't come close to innovating GBA look and feel to the level you've achieved with your games. And all this running on my humble Gameboy Micro too!
I did however, want to find a way to get rumble working on Skyland using an EZ-Flash Omega DE though if you can help please? (doesn't seem to work atm). Whatever you implemented on BlindJump was the way – because that does work directly on device using the Omega DE.
If this is possible it'd be very appreciated - rumble would fit this game so well, and I'm a little bit obsessed with getting rumble working on every GBA game I can. These days there are quite a few more than people might think and I'd LOVE to add Skyland to the list (probably works already but I'm doing something wrong - it already works on mGBA on a Miyoo Mini for instance):
- Goodboy Galaxy
- Drill Dozer
- Pokemon Pinball
- Warioland 4
- Apotris
- Final Fight One
- BlindJump
- Mario and Luigi SS
- Warioware Twisted
- Butano Fighter
- Super Mario 3
- Chessmaster
- Summoner Story 3 (J)
(this list is a little bit in the order of how well/much the rumble is implemented.
Anyway thanks again for your kind work.
This game looks very intriguing – BUT for all the long description, you've managed to not really tell us what type of game this is. I mean I can see it's a sort of rogue-like shumup (real-time?) – but I think you need to give us a bit of a clearer explanation of what to expect please. For example is that a puzzle element in the fifth screen. Does the Star Fox-like constellation-map suggest it has a tailored campaign as well as the rogue elements? Is that a trading aspect? etc...
On the latest Playdate firmware, you can view all the games as large banners to scroll through (as was before), or now with a name and a small icon (animated or not) in a new compact list-mode. Both modes are handy, but if a game is missing a list-mode icon, Playdate puts in a crap one that make the game look a bit broken, and definitely takes away from the charm of the list. Even though it's a small icon devs seems to be able to make some nice results – even with the existing assets of their in-game character for instance.
Hi, I don't know if you've seen this potential Tex-em bug discussed over on Reddit:
Beautiful game – would it be possible to add a list-mode icon to the game please? It's a shame to have such a good looking game missing that polished touch on the latest firmware.
Also may I ask about the artwork – was it hand drawn pen-art and then converted with a photoshop-effect to get the one-bit result. I'd love to learn the method.
Thank you for the game.
EDIT – I'm an idiot and didn't read the new 'how to play' screen. I'd still be great to have a nice list-mode icon so it sits nice with all the other games though please.Hi - I think your game might be broken on the latest playdate firmware or something. The crank works, but no button gets the frog moving in either game-mode.
Also would it be possible to add a list-mode icon to the game please?
Hi there – I think your wonderful game might be a bit broken on the latest playdate firmware. The frog just seems to spontaneously die on the last line of logs at random times (but very regularly - and not linked to the time bar). It may happen other places to.
It's a shame because I think your frogger is better than the other playdate one. Hope it can be fixed.
Love this game – if there is a way you could offer even more levels as a DLC, or a sequel I'd love that. Or maybe a quirky 'mission-mode' or something.
If I could offer one small constructive critique it would be that the game-art, while perfect in general, has one flaw that jars with the perfection of the rest of the art. It's the large ship (that you enter at the end of levels, and is in cutscenes). The way it's drawn is off somehow – shape is a bit off – needs detail or something. I get its a basic style – but that one object is too basic. It just looks bad compared to everything else and could do with some tweaking or something so it's not just an outline at that size. I'd even be happy to have a go myself if it helped. Anyway, outside of that your game is perfection.
I hope it's ok to mention – if I thought the game was just ok I wouldn't care to say anything, but it's just so close to perfect. Thx.
Hi, just some feedback. It seems my download had picked up some corruption. It's working on my Miyoo Mini now - and with rumble too!
I'm also lucky enough to own an EZ Flash Definitive Edition and rumble working wonderfully on there with my Gameboy Micro as well. I think the Micro with rumble is going to be the way I go for my first play-though. I love that device and playing such a well made new GBA game on it in 2023 is beyond a treat!