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(1 edit) (+4)(-2)

My thoughts after 10+ hours and a character in space:
VERY good game. Sets a new bar in terms of weightgaming. Despite my complaints, I LOVE it.

+ Love the Mii Aesthetic, great choice 

+ Tons of cute nods and references (I picked up on the Job Job joke.)

+ Progression feels pretty natural

+ Good amount of options (Though, where are devil horns? Am I just missing them?)

- Rotating shop is annoying, but not infuriating. My recommendation? Direct order system where for double the price you can buy foods not in the shop.

- Money being tied to happiness is the weirdest choice IMO. I wish we could make millions instead of rocking with our small wage even at space sizes. Here are two ideas I have for how to fix this one.

  • Odd Jobs system (Play small minigames to earn a little bit of extra cash. Maybe like, 1000 per 60 second minigame? Obviously scaling with score.)
  • Sponsorships (What if your citizen would be paid by companies for eating certain food, with said food rotating? For example, "Daily Sponsor" is a fast food place and they tell you to eat nuggets, fries, ketchup and a burger. Eat all 4 by the end of the day, and you get free money.)
(2 edits) (+6)(-4)

plz NO minigames that have nothing to do with the game itself.
NO tetris variant or hit the button at the right time type of games.