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Love to see southeast asian food representation haha (plus Raymond's slang is saur accurate and cute lol). It's only the second build but there's already so much going on and I'm here for it! Can't wait for future build.

sidenote:Otto is so stupid but he's cute so I forgive him.


Southeast Asian Pride๐ŸŒˆ

I'm surprised when Raymond says 'Haiya' because it's the word people in my country use in daily life too. 




Iโ€™m glad his slangs shine through and add to his charm. Honestly, while writing his dialogues, as a fellow SE Asian myself, Iโ€™m deeply aware that his speech could sound incorrect to some if not sounding like a caricature/stereotype.

Still, I believe that by embracing his Manglish speech, Raymond can be unashamedly himself, like, if he already speaks like that, then let himlah! Can also, what?

And yes, Otto is a dumb-dumb but I admire his pure intention.