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It's a unique, weird, and interesting concept, that for some reason makes me think of pinball.
I really like the stars and think they look great. However, I am concerned the stars and clouds might have been a bit overkill, because you could have used that time on the focal point of the game: the dirt (-or the crystals, you do have pillar physics though so that looked pretty nice). A quick tip would be that it seems you've stretched a dirt sprite to make it cover the whole area, which makes it look a bit off. Instead, you could try to tile it, (meaning the texture repeats itself, most game engines if not all have functionality to do something along these lines). My next tip is that I think it may have been logical to bind shooting to LMB because your already using mouse to aim, so the use of the keyboard wasn't essential. I also would have preferred if the crystals just pointed at your mouse, although it does look quite cool when they rotate by your mouse the way they do. Also, I think I've encountered a glitch where sometimes the crystals will make contact with a projectile and make the sound but won't make a new projectile. Speaking of which, I think the sounds sound quite good. I found that the true fun of the game for me was spinning the crystals around franticly making a swarm of projectiles, so maybe if you ever decide to continue this project consider making it more arcade-like or making the bullets faster and everything bigger.

Overall, I think the game was pretty original, unique and essentially everything I said at the start. But, I think it was competing with the game jam theme just a bit, trying to fight against the theme instead of using it.

Alright thank you :) I appreciate the feedback and I am glad you liked some of the parts of it. I'll have to keep in mind that feedback when I work on other projects so I don't make the same mistake again. Much appreciated