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Lava flow games

A member registered Dec 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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It is indeed intended behaviour. I'm not sure if you noticed the tutorial text mentioning 'press z to blob dash' but that's what it's referring to. Thanks for leaving a comment anyway though.

Thank you!

I beat the last level first try with the power of cheese, but I restarted the level to try find the intended solution, thinking i could easily recreate that cheese. I was wrong. I thought I would never beat the game, then I found the actual solution, and I was Cackling.


The game is great! I think the minimal graphics could actually have worked if you had access to a 'glow' shader, and I really like how inventive the mechanic is. Also the game loop is really fun. My highscore was 260 (until i found I could drag click, but that only boost it to 270). gg 😀

Thank you so much! (I somehow don't remember having seen this comment when I made the game, so I thought I should reply.)

My highscore is 80
Honestly, I think this is one of the better/best games I've played this jam. It's fast paced simple and fun.

As for advice, I think the 'coin' shouldn't spawn to close to the edge because you can get hit without reaction time, and sometimes it spawns under the ui too. You could 'kill 2 birds with one stone' if you just limit the 'coin' to spawning in a smaller area of the map. Additionally, on a first playthrough i didn't initially realize the colored blocks were just a background, so to give it contrast, you could cover it in a layer of grey, blur it, etc. If you were to take my first piece of advice, then you could reuse the background to mark the coin's spawn area. Besides that, only other thing that comes to mind is making it clear/impactful when you get hit (screenshake, flashing,  or more likely just a sound (and if you did ad a sound for colliding with enemies then maybe add one for the coin too) )

I don't think the game fits the theme, but the music is 'groovy' and the game itself is really fun. good job! :-D

It's a unique, weird, and interesting concept, that for some reason makes me think of pinball.
I really like the stars and think they look great. However, I am concerned the stars and clouds might have been a bit overkill, because you could have used that time on the focal point of the game: the dirt (-or the crystals, you do have pillar physics though so that looked pretty nice). A quick tip would be that it seems you've stretched a dirt sprite to make it cover the whole area, which makes it look a bit off. Instead, you could try to tile it, (meaning the texture repeats itself, most game engines if not all have functionality to do something along these lines). My next tip is that I think it may have been logical to bind shooting to LMB because your already using mouse to aim, so the use of the keyboard wasn't essential. I also would have preferred if the crystals just pointed at your mouse, although it does look quite cool when they rotate by your mouse the way they do. Also, I think I've encountered a glitch where sometimes the crystals will make contact with a projectile and make the sound but won't make a new projectile. Speaking of which, I think the sounds sound quite good. I found that the true fun of the game for me was spinning the crystals around franticly making a swarm of projectiles, so maybe if you ever decide to continue this project consider making it more arcade-like or making the bullets faster and everything bigger.

Overall, I think the game was pretty original, unique and essentially everything I said at the start. But, I think it was competing with the game jam theme just a bit, trying to fight against the theme instead of using it.

Super polished for a game jam game. level 7 was harder than any other level for me though. The artstyle makes me think of untitled goose game.

For some reason I was kind of disappointed when I didn't have to backtrack to bring all the buttons back to the end.😅 There was one glitch where sometimes I would have to tell the player to step away from the doorway before he would enter it (Browser Version). I love how It used an invisible tutorial to make you make an actual tutorial for the player. It was lot's of fun great job!

I use GMS2 as my game engine when making games, but how do I know what game engine other games use? I don't think I can change them if they're made in a different engine.

I can't believe you were able to make such challenging levels for this in 48 hours! I loved all the different mechanics and the portals are definitely very creative. However, I got stuck on level nine because it was hard to make a big enough portal and also because I couldn't place blocks on the right half of the screen. Luckily, you countered this by letting people skip levels! Overall this game is amazing! I wonder how hard it was to get that last screenshot and gif.🤔

I think this is the coolest idea ever. However, when I tried to draw stuff my line strokes were disconnected dots. I also agree with the other commenters that you should get to keep your cards. Are you gonna try to make it a full game? If so, you could try adding online multiplayer. I would love to see a fun concept like this as a full game, good job!

I can understand that the water only levels didn't feel like they fit the theme because it is kind of like a jump you can only use in certain places. However, I feel like it was a useful mechanic because it was a simple way to add a lot to the game IMO. For example, since you can jump in the entire area it kind of gives a a "variable jump height" that acts like a quick double jump. It also let me easily make swimming and wall jumping. For the physics, I tried doing that thing where the character falls faster after the peak of his jump, but after adding in the trail I feel like I might've done the opposite. And for the moving platforms, I couldn't think of a good way to display where they can fly because they can go to the very edge of their boundaries, and in the end I didn't have time to make it look any different (besides from switching the color of the area). Also, I'm not great at coding moving platforms because they have to push the character if they go towards him so I settled for making the platforms teleport him up if he get's stuck in them. However, I am glad you ended up liking both the moving platforms and the physics. For the zombie art, I actually went to "Kenny's creature mixer" and then I separated his arms to be a separate object and gave the arm sprite an idle, jumping and falling frame. However, I doubt it's very noticeable because he's constantly moving. Lastly, for the music I went into WeVideo and looked for music until I found a good soundtrack, then I exported it as audio only and used it in game.

In conclusion, thank you a lot for your thoughtful analysis and feedback just like everyone else who commented. (-:

Just saw you play it had fun on the stream thanks. (-:

This game is great! I got a time of 9:13

It's a bit basic but lot's of fun. I think you should make the punch more useful if you update the game, but I love the idea of being a boss fight. Good job! My highscore is  59

Thanks! I'm super glad everyone seems to be enjoying the game!

You aren't the first to dislike the 4th level, which is understandable. It was the last level in the game so it was a bit of a rush to finish it. The concept was to use the water to do walljumps and to use the water spring momentum mechanic to get past the lava, but I never even introduced that mechanic, leading to confusion and a luck based level. Also, the first part doesn't have anything stopping the player from walking before you've analyzed the level to know what to do.  This can probably be frustrating, so I understand why you might dislike this level. However, I'm glad you enjoyed the rest of the game and thanks for the great feedback!

Sorry, I can confirm I know this is definitely the problem. I think of it as level 4, but I know what you mean, things in the game are multiplied by a variable called GameSpd, which is like delta_time, only it's multiplied by other things such as whether you have the window open. This was supposed to let me make easy slow motion in some games but it entirely glitches them out. If you still want to play the game, I slightly edited that level and one other in the play in browser version to make it *possible* on lower framerates (*unless your computer is too slow*). However, to play that version you have to have Opera GX (a web browser).

Thanks a lot! I'm sorry that I didn't have great level design on the last level but I'm glad you had fun. Thank you for the valuable feedback. (-:

(1 edit)

This game was extremely fun! I didn't have a mouse to play with so the clone enemies were quite hard because their blocks went into the next phase. I would have liked if you could see your score once you lost. The game was really fun, satisficing, and challenging. I think my highscore is near 13. One other thing I would recommend would be a pause button or you have to use your special to activate the next wave or something. This is a really good game! gg (-:  If you want, check out and rate mine.

I have GMS2 and I think I know how to fix this. I think you submitted the project files instead of the game. to do this, go to the very top off your screen in Game maker with the project open and look for the button that looks like a box that says "create executable". GMS will probably recommend an installer but I would recommend making it a zip file. Then submit the zip. I thought since I had GMS I could try playing it but when it loaded the game didn't have a any files, not even a room. Maybe you can ask the people who hosted this jam for permission to try submitting again. Wish you luck and I hope this helps! If you have the time try checking out my game, I also used GMS2. (-:

I'm glad everyone seems to like the smooth movement and I'm also happy to hear that you played it with your controller as suggested. In order to get inside the room, you need to walk through a fake wall on the bottom side. It is the grey one between two brown ones and once you go there a enemy from the room might come to you through the wall, showing you where it is. I hope that walkthrough helps and thank you for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! It definitely seems I should of made it more clear your hurting the bunny, like if he would flash red or something. I'll  definitely try to keep that in mind for future games I make.

Thank you for the feedback! After the rabbit boss you can find the credits which just tell you about the cheat settings in the menu. Also, you can use the gun against the enemies. Overall, you didn't miss much and I'm glad you enjoyed my game (-:

Thank you! The game was inspired by Celeste (Not curse of the crow)


It seems like transparency is unrelated but if you stack the 3 colors RGB and make them see-through, you can make literally any color. I'm not going to use this, but I was wondering if it's allowed.

I once planned on making a game very similar to this. I didn't end up doing it which is why I'm super glad I got to see what it would have been like. Awesome game! (-:

I liked it but I think it could use a highscore/death system because when I left I forgot my score and so did the game. I like the relaxing idea but I don't entirely understand why mushrooms are irremovable. Good game! please come and rate my game. (-:

(1 edit)

My highscore is 110. It was fun and I liked how you used the theme. It was like a restaurant game plus a zombie shmup (shoot 'em up). I did like that the chef actually has AI rather than infinite burgers, but I think it could have been nice to make him faster to ensure that when players lose it doesn't feel like the chefs fault. Overall, I think this is an amazing entry! (-:

Thanks! I made it all in one day because I went camping so I threw the menus together last minute but I hoped you still had a fun experience.

Great game! I absolutely loved how polished it was. The boss fight was super intense. please come rate my game.

I love the art and I genuinely can't tell if its 3d or not. my highs core is 63. My only comment is that I never had time to read the tutorial. Please come rate my game. PS: I can keep rolling the dice after I die in the browser version.

I like the game a lot and I beat 3 levels.  I like the idea of random generation and I think a way you could have made it even better would be by "juicing" up the art and adding polish. Overall this is a great entry especially with the 48 hour time limit and I liked it. Could you please come and rate my submission?

GG! I like the art a lot but I couldn't get past the second level and I think the lives system is a bit harsh because it's luck dependent and tricky. I also liked the background music. Also, I don't know if this was intended but in level one fell down but since I knew where the exit was I just climbed up the wall on the left. Overall this is a great entry! Could you please come and rate mine?

Thank you for the reply! (-: I appreciate the feedback.

Thanks greatly for the feedback! (-: Sacrificing increases score and your ghosts health points but I see what you mean. The difficulty problem is mainly there because I didn't get time to add enemies and the torch is so OP because I needed the hat to have magic but I wanted everything to be possessable. Thanks again for the feedback and the playtest! (-: