- Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
The wood harvesting system was good up until a certain point where 2 of my goblins took forever to chop a tree that never broke/ got harvested. Another goblin was able to harvest meat and wood but when the goblin when back to deposit it the resource count did not go up.
- Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
For me, I found it enjoyable it gives you a chance to prepare between each wave and I guess this is where the strategy part of the game would come in where you have to decide what do to between waves.
- Was the combat smooth and engaging?
The combat was good and there were no problems with it.
- How long did you play? What was your final point score?
I don't recall how long I played but my score was roughly 2500.
- Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
I didnt get to far into the game but from where I was currently at it did not feel to challenging and was not hard. It felt just right the waves came in when I reached a certain score which felt good and let me have time to prepare for the next attack.
- What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
Excellent! I loved everything about it.
- Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
I know this is a little nit-picky but could you have the ESC key also unpause too?
could you implement some kind of keybind to lock the sceen? so like pressing L would lock the sceen so it would not move the camera around.
Is there anyway to add some kind of tooltip before you build a building letting you know how much it costs and what type of building it is.
Adding some kind of tutorial would be nice, so new players can understand how to play the game.
I don't know if this is in the scope of the game, but could there be some kind of indicator like the hunter call from phase 1 that lets you know where the enemies are coming from?
- Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
After a certain amount of time the resources that the goblins were harvesting were not being add to my resources count. For example, I had 425 would and a goblin would harvest a tree and go back to deposit and the number stayed at 425.