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Oh my god that was so cute and healing! The art here is absolutely adorable and I love how it turned out, I also love the Forest Spirit's design, it is not just charming and cute, but mystical and amazing, I also love with each season we pick, the "hair" of the Forest Spirit reflects that season as well which is very neat looking. I love each sound the Forest Spirit makes, it's so soothing to my heart.

I love how the forest changed with each season. It's not a complete drastic change that breaks the rules of O2A2 but the color combinations you used was lovely and quite relaxing seeing through. Amazing job here~!


Aww, thanks! 💜 We had so much fun recording the cat, Muossi, our voice actor. I'm glad his voice made you feel good!

For real! It was so endearing hearing the lil meow and the tinkle of a bell mixed in. It was so cutee!