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It's an okay concept. Reminds me a lot of Pepper Grinder. You should take a look at that game. The movement is really floaty, exiting walls doesn't seem impactful, movement in walls is super annoying, especially since you need to make precise rotations which makes targeting enemies (especialy the in air ones) annoying and pure torture. would suggest using mouse as a control scheme as others suggested, level boundaries have the same texture as diggable blocks, there's no juice or impact to anything. The most noticeable were the enemy impacts which feel absolutely lifeless, a simple shake, up and down scale of the sprite, rotation and color change could improve it a lot. Overaly it's a cool concept with room to improve but in it's current state it's just a proof of concept as barebones as it can be which is completeky fine for a short gamejam. Wanna see you develop it more