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not trying to be a dick but honestly I have only called you out when you were wrong. Sometimes it's like you haven't even played. You have given the wrong answer more often than the correct one. That and you cannot form a coherent sentence to save your life.

evidence about that plz? -.-

And YES. You HAVE tried to be a dick EVERY. FUCKING. TIME...

´´save your life``... Wtf does that even mean? -.-


holy shit... Are you ten or just not a native english speaker. Thats a super common phrase. 

1. NO im not.

2. Ive never EVER heard ANYONE in ANY argument say that... What do i need to ´´save my life`` from?

1. Well then why don't you know english well?

2. So you have never heard anything along the lines of you couldn't__________ to save your life? It's basically like you're in a dangerous position. Only way to avoid death is to, in your case, make a complete and coherent statement. You are unable to do so because, well... Looking at statement 1. What exactly is your mental disability? 

P.s. Betting 10-1 your first instinct was something along the lines of "no you!"

A-AVOID DEATH?? 😂😂😂😂 For WHAT am i DYING on???

´´P.s. Betting 10-1 your first instinct was something along the lines of "no you!"``

Is there more than 1 people using your account or something? -.-

First, i make a random comment(help people, tell the game is good, tell what could be done better, tell my opinion of the game etc), then YOU just randomly put some words together and try to antagonize me. Then YOU say that IM the one whose doing that. 😂😂😂