Took a while to understand what the game was REALLY about: Achievement frenzy! It's a pity it doesn't save them across playthroughts since I'm sure it's impossible to do them all in one sitting. I think I managed to get about 80% of them. Very well thought! Great ambience, cozy atmosphere, a lot of hidden mechanics I really enjoyed discovering :spoiler alert:
(cleaning the walls, my panic when I was stuck on the pond until i realize dI could fill it up, invader plants, windmills and targets, drawing on the sand...) I'm really impressed. About the end of the first I realized you could change the strength of the hose which was a welcome surprise :D
To be honest, I enjoyed discovering all those things by myself. The achievement list was enough to guide me into the discovery. Some of the achievements did not trigger during the play but I completed them at the end. I am pretty sure I did not miss them so maybe there's something there.
Congratulations, I really enjoyed this idea.