TL;DR: The game is fun, but makes your experience miserably by forcing you to sink time in inefficient menus or in repetitive gameplay.
This game is so fucking fun. And this only makes me more annoyed with what seems to be the design philosophy behind it.
I think a good game is design to make you have the biggest amount of fun possible. Most micro-transaction games are design to make you spend the most amount of money on it. This game looks like is make so you sink the most amount of time on it; it doesnt matter if its still fun, it doesnt matter if you will spend some money on it; the game just want you to play endless. So, in a certain point, you stop to play for the fun and start to play for the grind, and in other point, you realize how pointless the grind is, and stop playing the game at all. Which is a shame, because like I said, the game is fucking fun!
You can see the lack of respect with the player's time with some little implementations. For example, you need to know which bits are dropping in each stage. So, the easiest implementation would be to have a dialogue box written somewhere in stage selection which bits are dropping there currently. But no. You have to quit the stage selection, click in a television far away from you character, and watch a cutscene where it will tell you which are the bits from the day. And I hope you have good memory, because there is a lot of bits name to remember, you have to keep in mind which ones you need, which one are avaliable, and where they drop. This make that, sometimes, you have to watch this cutscene more then once. And since the bits drop location change every other play, you have to watch this cutscene at least once every 2 plays. It gets old very quickly.
You can also see the lack of respect with the bath mechanic. Once in like four plays you can spend 10 minutes doing absolutely nothing while your dolls take a bath. To send they to the bath, you have spend some more time walking the city (a compact menu? Not on this game!) to found they. All this for a almost insignificant amount of XP.
And speaking of XP, the amount of XP to max level a doll is ridiculous. The amount of time you have to spend playing with a doll to max her level is not compatible with the repetitive gameplay loop. Actually, the amount of unlockable content is not compatible with the gameplay variety.
Like, after you get level 5 with you prisoner, you start to win way more money that you can spend. With the stores based on RNG that are every 8th play, you can only spend so much money before need a recicle, and the more content you have already unlocked on the stores, more likely is to RNG give you a content you have already unlock on the store, and less money you will be able to spend on that cicle. In some point, you have money to spend on multiple consecutives cicles, without the need to play to get more money. But the only way to recicle the stores is to play the game and earn some more money. And the implemented solution for this problem was to make so it takes more time so you reach this point, but is still already as bad as it always where (or worse, because before you could at least recicle the stores without having to play a stage 8 times)
And then there is the core gameplay. Which, like I already said twice, is fun. But is repeatitive. There is only one gamemode. This gamemode have some variety because of the RNG on the weapons you will have, the stage avaliable for play, and the hazards presents on the stage. But this variety is not enough to be satisfactory with the sheer amount of times you will have to replay it in order to unlock all the content the game offers.
The game almost screams micro-transactions. It feels like it should be a "spend some dollars to recicle the store", "spend some money to make so your dolls dont need bath", "spend some money to have a XP booster", "spend some money to have acess to more concise menus". But there isn't. There is no microtransactions on the game (thank God) except for the passcodes you can unlock on the Patreon to see some nudity or bigger tits.
I think the idea for a "micro-transaction" would be like "hey, to satisfy your curiosity (or sexual desire) of seeing all those arts from those cars, you can play my game eternally, or support me on Patreon!". But for a player like me (and maybe like you, if you read until there), this doesn't work. I don't want to unlock all the cards to see the art. I want to unlock all of them because I'm something of a completionist, and want to see my gallery fulfilled. And I want to have max level cards because I'm something of a power player, and want to have my characters be strong.
The gameplay is fun and hard enough so I want to have a strong team, build one if you want to say this way. But the grind to make a strong team, the grind to have a max level character and/or a max level 3-stars cards is way to big. And all that grind only to enter in a stage with some shit weapons, and feel like shit. All this in a offline hentai game, where you cannot say to your friends "look this cool card I have!", nor to the online community. So the grind gets old and pointless at some time.
I have a suggestion of a new gameplay mode that would add some variety to the gameplay, makes the grind less tedious, and also less pointless. I will elaborate it on the comments below.
This harsh review comes of a place of love, of someone who loves the game and want to have some fun with it. I played the game in the old times of random city, and was so excited when it came back. But I only found even more grind-focus game. And been grind-focus isn't a problem, I have more than 2000 hours in Warframe, the problem is how pointless the grind feels in this game. I just want to have some fun in Nude Byte, but the way the games feels right now, is really miserable.