(Is this joke even still funny?)
Machines are metalic automatons that go from roboticized everyday devices like computer mice and toasters to heavily armed combat robots, most machines have a negligible amount of psychic energy if any at all, with only two of the thirty four currently known machine subspecies having a substancial amount of psychic energy, the mighty killer console and its even more powerful cousin (to the point of being the most powerful machine species ever discovered) the engine Buster.
No machine has ever been seen using psychic powers, instead they fight with a variety of high-tech weaponry, machines also due to their metallic exterior resistant to bladed weapons as well as any blunt instrument too soft to dent metal, they are also not programed to feel fear or sadness so terror and sorrow psyonics have little effect, they are however programmed for agression and anger psyonics overwhelm those systems.
Their average stats are as follows:
HP: 2830
MP: 5
ATK: 42
DEF: 42
MATK: 42
MDEF: 41
SPD: 55
LUK: 34
In the next episode: The three "Is" Impregnable, Impenetrable and Invulnerable the Armoured