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(ok I ran out of ideas for this first blurb)

The Armoured are one of the smaller taxonomies of only 22 sub-species, what all Armoured have in common is their hard and tough exteriors many of them being animated objects some have thick outer shells or are entirely made of wood or rock.

Armoured for obvious reasons are highly resistant to almost all physical attacks (although attacks specialized in piercing armor are particulary effective), the armoured also have a propensity towards depression due to their lonely tendencies thus making sorrow psionics particulary effective, they fight mainly with powerful phisical blows using psionics as support to weaken their foes and strenghen themselves.

Their average stats are as follow:

HP: 2910

MP: 74

ATK: 46

DEF: 57

MATK: 39

MDEF: 46

SPD: 29

LUK: 35

In the next episode: The great savage beasts of derleth: The primals.

(lets just get on with it)

The Primal Taxonomy is the smallest of all eight derlethian taxonomies composed of only 15 sub-species, Primals take the appearance of fierce savage beasts ruled by instinct.

Due to their primitive minds they are particulary suceptible to terror psionics and resistant to rage psionics, it also makes Grimoires a surprisingly effective weapon against them since their simple minds cannot comprehend the complex knowledge contained in those tomes, these creatures for some unknown reason are also able to shrug off bullets, Primals fight using mainly theyr vicious fangs and claws with the few of them with psychic capabilities using them for support. Interestingly most but not all Primals quickly regenerate their wounds.

Their average Stats are as follows:

HP: 2698

MP: 51

ATK: 41

DEF: 48

MATK: 31

MDEF: 50

SPD: 69

LUK: 30

In the next and final episode: the most feared of all beings in derleth: The Nightmares

(1 edit)

(Remember read this with a british nature documentary voice... One last Time)

The largest most powerful and most feared out of all taxonomies, the nightmares have the most alien, bizarre and frightening appearence out of all eight taxonomies, with a impressive 36 sub-species.

Nightmares are jack of all trades, masters of all, they fight using both powerful physical attacks and psionics, specially the dreaded eldritch psionics feared through all of the expanse, these beings are sources of fear therefore terror psionics have little effect, however who cares about terrors beyond your comprehension when every single day you have to work in a boring sucky job with a abusive job and every single day it is the same... Thus Nightmares a particulary vulnerable to sorrow psionics

Their average stats are as follows:

HP: 3576

MP: 102

ATK: 47

DEF: 42

MATK: 43

MDEF: 51

SPD: 61

LUK: 42

Well folks it has been fun, but thats the final episode, currently these are all known taxonomies in Derleth, academics discuss if delegates could be their own but researches disagree, If any of the members of our loved audience has anything to say Im all ears, thats it for now. Till we meet again.