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Thank you for reaching out! I apologize for any confusion. In this storyline, the relationship between Leese/Lea and Gabriel is indeed designed to start with some initial jealousy. I aimed to explore a relationship that evolves from a sort of love triangle dynamic, growing into something deeper over time as they get to know each other better.

However, I acknowledge there's room for improvement to make this progression feel more natural and cohesive. I am currently redoing the poly routes and have already started on some scenes. I'm aiming to have these revisions included in the next update, or at the latest, the one following that. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding!


Nooo, you don't need to change it at all. I actually really liked the jealousy, it felt natural. I also love the idea of the love triangle! It feels like they both spend more time with the MC, so it makes sense that they are closer to them than to each other. Honestly, I was just curious, it might have sounded like I didn't like it, but I really do like it. It felt in character for Leese. He's my fave and while I adore Gabe (sorry babe), he'll always be my first choice. I loved everything about your writing, so I look forward to it but take all the time you need! :)


Oh, I'm sorry for any confusion again, lol! To clarify, I'm not planning to remove that element — I love it too! I’m just looking at ways to introduce these relationships more smoothly in the story. I want to expand on things a bit for each of them, and... I’m also considering setting it up to make Lee work for Ly in a potential 4th poly route in the future. My goal is to enhance, not rewrite them completely!

Personally, I adore all my characters, but I'm glad to know Lee is so loved! Your kind words truly mean a lot — thank you!