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A fun little game that I enjoyed playing during my time with it. Graphically simple, but it gets the job done.

The fire was a nice added little challenge, though, I do wish it was a little more integrated with the level itself… meaning it seems kinda random that fire just spawns. Might have been cool to have flames along the edges of the screen. Really give the environment the feeling it was on fire and setting off these little sparks on the ground.

I noticed there were “levels” in the game, but they just seemed to flow one into the other. I think it might have been better if all of the parts spawned during the current level finished their path around the screen, then, only after all those parts were gone, start spawning the new level’s parts and kicking up how fast they move. Would help give each level a sense of beginning and ending.

Good, enjoyable game, though! Well done! If you are interested, I streamed your game yesterday :)


wow! you streamed my game?? thanks! Abt the fire at the edges, I added it, and removed it later because it was lagging from the web version.

thanks for everything!


oh yeah levels are actually your score