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As a fan of Hollow Knight, I enjoyed this game. The artwork was really good and the mechanics were well thought out. One problem I had was that the controls often made the game go from difficult to frustrating. It took me a while to put my finger on it exactly but I'm pretty sure the problem is with having the change dimension key set to f, which causes problems when you need to dash and change dimensions. I would recommend switching it to a, which is also closer to the original Hollow Knight controls that I'm presuming the game is based off of

Like I already said the artwork is really cool and it's clear you put a lot of work into it, especially the animations. The game was also really fleshed out and for the time you had you made a lot of content. 

Mechanics wise it seemed well thought out, and I liked the fact that there was always a chance to save yourself by down-attacking the spikes if you fall. The levels were also well thought out and well designed, and I definitely enjoyed how they were made.

One last thing is that there was little in terms of telling you where to go, meaning you often died just trying to find your way around, so see if you can throw in some signs or something to tell the player which direction to head in. Other than everything I've already stated it was a really well made project.