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Finally, here's a list of (potential) (minor) bugs etc. that I noticed during my playthrough:

- Higher Necklace of War (1350 Gold) and Highly Necklace of War (9870 Gold) both feature the same stats (+4 ATK).

- The Wildfire skill descriptions don't make it clear that the skills target all enemies.

- Ysenta's Leather Rip features the wrong description (sword).

- Nothing happens when trying to use the Story of Ilyatir II Key Item.

- Is it intended that Brutal Orb, Legendary Orb of Life and Mythical Orb of Energy (as items that permanently raise stats) are placed in the Key Items section, even though all other stats raising orbs (even ones that raise the stats of the whole party) can be found in the normal items section?

- Mythical Orb of Energy raises the EP of the whole party by 100 instead of 6.

- Platinum Scale Gloves are assigned to the armor section instead of to the gloves section.

- When I had the Protectun ring (+15% counter rate) equipped on Fyrea, she once countered against herself after she had used the Colossus self-buff skill. Needless to say: I shelved the ring afterwards.

- According to the status menu, the Critical Eye necklace (supposedly +35% critical hit chance) doesn't increase the critical rate at all. Other "critical" equipment might be affected, too.

- Is it intended that the Magical Snake Skin Armor (Limare's default armor) provides the wearer with a huge MP boost (1500 - 2000 MP more compared to other armor pieces)?

- Side quest A Soon-To-Be-Adventurer I: It's not necessary to craft the Orcanic Scale Armor, the player can simply use the one found in Star Desert (might or might not be intentional). On the other hand, in order to complete the Herb Delivery side quest, the player must gather 10 new Healing Herbs and can't complete the quest by using already collected Healing Herbs.

- After having triggered and defeated the first powerful foe (on a map on which powerful foes can appear), when supposedly triggering the second powerful foe (without leaving the map), it doesn't appear, but it can be found at the same spot as before (only) after leaving and reentering the map (confirmed at least for Burning Cave, Eastern Desert, Eastern Ruins, Western Cave and Border Cave). The same issue occurs on the Holy Grounds map (after having read the stone tablets, the player must leave and reenter the map or otherwise the advisor won't appear again).

- Burning Cave: After having defeated the minotaur (eastern trial map), when leaving and reentering the map, the minotaur sprite is visible again, but simply disappears upon interaction (so it can't be fought again).

- Temple of Flames, northern path (eastern segment): Due to a mapping error, the lower right corner (left of the treasure chest that contains the Draconic Eye B) can't be reached, which condemns the two enemy troops there to eternal isolation.

- After handing over the Essence of Flames, the AP distribution is suddenly reset (might or might not be intentional).

- When Fyrea is supposed to explore the Eastern Desert, but visits Mon'Gra (Temple of Guardian) instead, he once again says that Fyrea should visit the Temple of Flames (which she already did).

- Western Edge item vendor + Dorrenta item vendor + Star Oasis item vendor (late-game) + Eastern Ruins item vendor (late-game): The recipe section cuts off at Fyrea's Armor respectively.

- Triggering the cutscene in Dorrenta disables the mini map. Fortunately, the mini map becomes available again after the next cutscene in Dorrenta (Elder's house).

- Contrary to what the game says after having triggered the cutscene in Dorrenta, there aren't any new bounties available (Black Board in Flayk's inn).

- Does the Merchant Lantern work as intended? I even got two of them, but I couldn't use them from the menu, and just carrying them didn't seem to make any difference, which made discovering Underground Ruins (2) very difficult.

- Underground Ruins (2): There's no way to reach the plateau (on which two enemy units roam) near the stairs leading to Underground Ruins (3).

- Resting Place: After having opened the door that requires the Darkened Key (2), the player is placed in front of the door that requires the Darkened Key (3) instead. And vice versa: After having opened the door that requires the Darkened Key (3), the player is placed in front of the (already opened) door that requires the Darkened Key (2) instead.

- After having completed the Resting Place dungeon, the dungeon can't be entered again (might or might not be intentional). Even worse: The same applies to the Lair of Triumph (Victorious Meadow cave), which makes the Dragon Fragment IV and the Dragon Armor (recipe) permanently missable.

- Completing the Resting Place dungeon disables the caterpillar system (party members walking behind each other), which is only restored later by the cutscene after the final boss fight.

- When using the Emergency Teleport Key Item after having completed the Resting Place dungeon, the Blood Moon effect disappears. The same seems to happen when interacting with the Black Board in Flayk's inn.

- After finishing the story-related talk with the Elder's daughter in Oasis Town, she simply vanishes into thin air.

- Lair of Triumph (1): In the lower left corner, the area left of the fenced (two tiles wide) hole (in which one enemy roams) can't be reached.

- Cutscene in Flayk after having defeated the final boss: I hope the party celebrated the victory by holding a banquet (food) instead of a bouquet (flowers).

- Underground Cavern (2): One Cave Wolf enemy troop is placed in an inaccessible vertical area in the upper left corner.

- Black Board in Flayk's inn: The reward for completing the Cave Guardian bounty can be obtained an indefinite number of times.

- Mountain Cave C (2): An inaccessible (closed off) area on the left edge contains two roaming enemy units.

- Saphira's "distribution": The text for Magical Evasion is in German.


Soo, most of your mentioned points are covered in the latest patch notes I just uploaded.

As for the other ones I didn't cover:

It is true that the dungeons "Resting Place" and "Lair of Triumph" can't be re-entered again upon clearing them. While those are the only areas where this is the case because of story reasons (which at that point felt right to me), I absolutely understand the negative aspects of my decision.  To counter this, I implemented a warning that triggers to inform the player that there is no chance to re-enter the dungeons once the fights are over.

Oh, right. The party now gets their well-deserved banquet, and not just some bouquet for their hard work :D. Thanks for pointing that out! :)

Thanks for all the bug fixes. Unfortunately, I encountered another issue, even though I was able to obtain the Orb of Lyghte and enter the Glacial Prison.

- In Glacial Prison (3), I can't destroy/melt the second ice boulder (towards the lower left corner), which makes it impossible to proceed inside the dungeon. It would be great if you checked all obstacles in the dungeon. If one of them causes trouble, consider them all potential troublemakers. ;)

- Also, the wolf sprites in Glacial Prison (3) suffer from a movement bug, which enables/forces them to walk sidewards and backwards.

There's no rush, though. I'm already playing something else, but I want to finish at least my trek through the Glacial Prison in the game's next version. :)


My apologies, I looked into the issue and fixed it. Taking the chance, I also checked all the other riddles, etc. in that area and was able to fix a few other things in the process.

I just did a test play and everything works as intended now. :)

As for the weird walking monster sprites, sadly this is no bug. I'm lacking their respective 4-directional sprites. That's why I decided to turn the direction fix on, because otherwise, the monsters would just vanish as soon as they move in another direction and are invisible.

Thanks, but now I'm stuck at the third ice boulder (towards the upper left corner). While I can interact with the ice boulder and the cutscene plays out, the ice boulder is still there afterwards, and it's possible to interact with it again (with the same result).


What? Give me a second. That's weird. This issue didn't show up while test-playing.


Okay, so, I looked into this one. It appears that after I was test-playing and fixing the events, I accidentally deleted the switch change in the 3rd obstacle. I don't exactly know how I managed to do that, but my apologies :D. While I was at it, I also checked the remaining ones. The fixed version of the fixed version should go up in a few minutes.

Thanks again. Is the fight against the Successor, which I managed to reach, winnable right now? My party members didn't get a single turn in, presumably because of the Frozen status that is applied at the beginning and throughout the battle. And with "didn't get a single turn in", I don't mean that my party got slaughtered in one turn; the Successor just acted 20x in a row until my party was annihilated.


The fight against the Successor is supposed to be somewhat difficult, but not impossible. Since you basically got stun-locked, I changed the way how its passive aura behaves as well as the chance to be inflicted with "Frostbite" when the Successor uses them. Should still be a tough battle, but now you won't get stun-locked so easily anymore. :)

The new version will be up in a minute.

Thank you very much. Without getting stun-locked, winning the battle was a cinch. Thanks again for a great game and all the quick bug fixes. I'm moving on, but I hope that many more people will play your game and discover all the bugs that I might have missed. :D