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Hello Leonard, Magicsofa went into some of the intricate details, so perhaps I could apply a more general approach. Professional isn't the term I would use to describe your page. Each paragraph of text is incongruent to the proceeding one, there is no consistent style. I would suggest that you reconsider how it is you wish to present yourself, and rewrite your text from scratch. The first paragraph reads as a company pitching a business, cold, sterile, and plural; the second is more informal and individual; the third bizarre and completely out of place. Different businesses have different marketing approaches to suit their purpose and brand, but your eclectic mix may leave potential customers simply confused.

Magicsofa mentioned this, but just to reiterate, the banner image and the font are both too large. They are so large infact that they detract from the products you are trying to advertise. For instance, the lynx image and body font are so large that they become the main focal point; the headings and images for the games seem dwarfed and insignificant in comparison. If I may be callous, most prospective customers don't care about your name, business name, location, etc; it's often simply necessary marketing nonsense that glossed over and barely processed. People wish for a demonstration of your abilities, and to see or purchase your product. In other words, show us the games! Best of luck to you.