How frantic was the game?
Overall, once I figured out what I was doing, the game didn't feel that frantic at all with only one plant. Assume you're planning to add more plants in the future, and I feel like that would help a lot in making the game more frantic. But in this state, with only one plant, I didn't feel it was very frantic at all.
Other notes:
- I think you guys nailed the art style. Everything looks cohesive, and all contributes to a nice, vibrant world. There are no textures or objects that look like they don't belong.
- I feel that the plant starts out way too small. I feel like I could barely find it amongst the grass. It became more obvious once the plant started growing, but finding it initially was tough. If the GUI didn't pop up when I looked in that direction, I probably wouldn't have known it was there. I would suggest making the plant a little bigger starting off, so it's easier to keep track of even in its beginning form.
- I don't see the point of the fire spell. My main guess is that it's supposed to do more damage to the bugs at the risk of damaging your plants as well. However, I didn't find it that much easier to kill the bugs with the fire then with any of the other spells, which makes it useless if that was its intended purpose. Plus, it damages your plants which is even more of a reason not to use it. Maybe I'm missing something here, idk.
- I found the aiming to be a little wacky. Specifically with small mouse movements. Sometimes it didn't seem like it registered small mouse movements at all. This made aiming a bit inconsistent, and a bit tough to get used to.
- If you look straight down, you can see right through the grass into the white void below. I'd suggest adding a green texture below the grass to mitigate this issue.