Crazy last push, the new game environment scene with main menu, and music really brought the game to life. I wasn't able to buy the platforms sadly, and I could exploit/spam the fertilizer (stars) spell like crazy to get my score up. This was great
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Bug Trouble's pageComments
At the start I felt the game was pretty frantic but that after my first try the game felt pretty well paced but easy to an extent. I thought maybe I needed just a little bit more to do. I love the concept of keeping it alive I just feel I need to keep more alive. Overall I felt the controls were pretty well made for the game, I maybe wonder if you could incorporate that movement with the game play fight loop a little more. Overall the art style of the game was probably my favorite thing. The VFX looked fantastic. All I suggest is maybe more characters to fight but other than that I had a lot of fun.
How frantic was the game?
Overall, once I figured out what I was doing, the game didn't feel that frantic at all with only one plant. Assume you're planning to add more plants in the future, and I feel like that would help a lot in making the game more frantic. But in this state, with only one plant, I didn't feel it was very frantic at all.
Other notes:
- I think you guys nailed the art style. Everything looks cohesive, and all contributes to a nice, vibrant world. There are no textures or objects that look like they don't belong.
- I feel that the plant starts out way too small. I feel like I could barely find it amongst the grass. It became more obvious once the plant started growing, but finding it initially was tough. If the GUI didn't pop up when I looked in that direction, I probably wouldn't have known it was there. I would suggest making the plant a little bigger starting off, so it's easier to keep track of even in its beginning form.
- I don't see the point of the fire spell. My main guess is that it's supposed to do more damage to the bugs at the risk of damaging your plants as well. However, I didn't find it that much easier to kill the bugs with the fire then with any of the other spells, which makes it useless if that was its intended purpose. Plus, it damages your plants which is even more of a reason not to use it. Maybe I'm missing something here, idk.
- I found the aiming to be a little wacky. Specifically with small mouse movements. Sometimes it didn't seem like it registered small mouse movements at all. This made aiming a bit inconsistent, and a bit tough to get used to.
- If you look straight down, you can see right through the grass into the white void below. I'd suggest adding a green texture below the grass to mitigate this issue.
I think that this game is in a good spot right now. It is a little frantic, but it could be more frantic if there were more plants to harvest and defend from bugs. It would be helpful if an indicator was added for when the bugs or plants are hit. Maybe they could flash colors for a half second to indicate this. I liked being able to aim in while shooting, but I also think being able to hipfire would be nice as the camera would sometimes only be showing grass when aiming up. Also, having some sort of health bar above the enemies could be a good addition.
How frantic is the game?
I think it should be a bit more difficult than what it is now though I will say I feel that either the bugs should be easier to see or make the grass shorter. I really like the way the grass looked but it made seeing the bugs a bit difficult.
The controls felt good to me though I played with MnK the only thing I would say is give some feedback to the player with like a noise or hit marker. Other than that I think its coming along very well and am curious to see the final product.
As far as how frantic the game was I do agree it needs to be more frantic! Some sort of visual feedback when hitting the bugs (or your own plant) would be nice so that I know I'm getting them! The game looks really great and the movement feels nice. More plants and more bugs and feedback to the player would be awesome! (also some menus)
How Frantic is the game?
I think it needs to be more frantic, send them bugs! I want to be overwhelmed with them with respect to a good challenge curve. I also want more plants, I want a purpose to move around the space, jump and move. Shoot and kill bugs!
Controls and Format
I love that you guys supported controller. Great touch, everything felt good, but I wish the game was Fullscreen or a higher res, it was so small I had trouble reading the UI around the plant and seeing things. This is gonna be common for people on 4k monitors and ultrawide like myself.
Anything else?
Great style and feel, I think you guys nailed the look of the game and your original theme. I just wanted more gameplay and those final touches. Like a menu, controls, and end screens. Great job!
Hello! The game was pretty fun to play and the controls were tight! I know it is still WIP so these suggestions are things that ya'll probably already planned but it took me a minute to figure out how to switch elements, and it was unclear which one was equipped without test firing. I also think the plants are a little too close together but I imagine their current spots are placeholders. Overall it is a very cool game and I can't wait to try the final build!
Hi Bug Trouble team, as many other comments have stated I think you have a very good foundation for what you are trying to accomplish with this game. The best feedback I can give for you moving forward is to try and get a points system or incentive for the player to do good in growing and defending the plants, with that, I believe the game will be quite functional. Other than that think it would be nice to see the flies go to a target plant so that the player knows which plants will be coming under attack or perhaps another kind of notification. Nevertheless great job team!
It would be helpful if there were some sort of indication when you hit a fly so that it is clear that it is taking damage. Also an indication of what spell you have selected. There's a bug when you stand at a certain angle it seems like the spells somehow get stuck behind you or just don't reach the target. That made it a little difficult to keep up with the game. I think it would also be good to shorten the time it takes for the flies/ plant needs to initially spawn.
Controls were good
The camera and aiming often detached making shooting difficult.
I had trouble knowing when I hit enemies or not.
The art is very good, the movement is very good, the sounds and animations are also cool.
Hello Bug Trouble team!
Here are my responses for the feedback on Bug Trouble.
In terms of how frantic the game felt, it at first felt a little confusing but once I figured out and mastered the controls, I really enjoyed the game and relaxed. I did play on a controller, as the mousepad on my computer did not work to ready and cast spells. In terms of critique, I'd recommend if you're able to change the bug in some way, as I was unable to effectively attack the bugs without destroying all the plants around it. I think changing the hitbox, the flight pattern, or the model in general may help. I am curious if the bugs have an effect on the plants, as I ignored them for most of my playtime after I was unable to kill the crowd of bugs that have formed.
In terms of the design I think everything blended together really nicely, as the player models, environment, and object/enemy designs all worked effectively together to create a clear mood and ambience . I enjoyed the mix of the 2D and 3D design elements!
Overall, good job and continue the good work!
I really like the aesthetic of the mashup of 2D and 3D. I think the 2D provides a nice contrast so you know which objects to focus on (the bugs and plants). Overall I like the look of the game a lot, main character included. If there was more of an incentive to explore the rest of the world, that would be cool.
The game doesn’t really feel frantic to me yet, as the bugs seem to arrive pretty slowly. I was slightly confused about what the skull icons on the plants mean.
I found it a little difficult to aim. It might be because of the combination of 2D and 3D which throws off my sense of distance a bit. I also like the idea of zooming in to shoot, though I think the zoom in may be a little too dramatic, as it can be a little jarring.
Regarding shooting, sometimes the character would get turned around and the projectile would go nowhere.
I think being more explicit about the progress of the plants / the goals would make it easier for the player to grasp what they should be doing.
This note doesn’t really have to do with the game itself, but I am having issues just with moving the game window around; as soon as I try to, it shoots off the computer screen and I can’t play the game.
Issues I noticed:
When colliding with objects (like the fly and plants) it messes with the camera, possibly pull camera collision out of the objects.
Adding some menus that way exiting the game is easier, and that way there is some pausing, etc.
No way to tell which magic spell you are on, when hitting q and e there is no difference in the bottom left to tell the spells.
Maybe a score system, or more clear goals on what the endgame is.
The game is unplayable on mouse pads. Possibly remove the right click feature, or turn from a hold to a click to zoom, click to un zoom.
Clipping into objects partially.
The clipping allows you to climb objects that I don't think you meant for players to climb.
The rock ramp wasnt smooth to walk up, had to constantly jump.
If you fall between the spool and flower pot you are stuck and cannot exit.
I liked the design, definitely interesting and all matches the game style.
I liked how the 2d items constantly kept facing the user that way they had a 3d style feel to them.
I like the implemented run in the game.
The game definitely had an aesthetic to it that is kept throughout the game.
I feel like the concept is fun, just needs more things to implement which is understandable as this is the first play test.
What I liked:
I like the art style. The asset pack you guys chose looks great and I like how the plants and flies look even if they mismatch a bit.
I like the layout and design of the level. I am a fan of the design and the layout, and I like how compact things are. I think that contributes to a chill feeling.
I like the animations and the controls. I think the animation and control of the character feels very smooth and natural. The shooting feels good too.
Some things I think need improvement:
You need menus, start screen and credits. I know this is obvious, just saying,
You need more sound design. This is also obvious. I think having some chill music and some more sounds would really improve the game and the vibe you're going for.
In my opinion, you should flesh out the "game" more. By this I mean that the goal is unclear to me. I get that I have to defend the flowers, but I don't know for how long. I don't really have an idea of how well I'm doing. I also don't really understand the different types of plants or weapons. How can I win? I think fleshing this out more and making it clear to the player will significantly improve the game.
Beyond those things I think I would be fun to implement another type of enemy. This could add some more variety and interest to the game. You could even add more flies with slight variations. I think that would go a long way.
Overall, I really like the direction this game is going, and you guys have a solid foundation. Good work!
Some questions and thoughts that I had.
Will there be any 3d models for the plants and enemies or will you strictly stick with 2d models?
I like the 2d sprites, but I was wondering if there were any plans for 3d models.
Will there be any indication of how many plants you harvested, how many plants you killed, and how many plants the enemy has killed?
I know it was stated that the menu was not implemented yet, but I think there needs to be some sort of indication on how many plants have been harvested and killed, also it would be cool to have some sort of indicator of how many enemies are still alive.
Will there be any sound effects/ background music implemented?
I feel like there should be some background music and sound effects, like shooting, enemies' deaths, plant harvests, plant deaths, etc. Maybe some cozy music?
Is the ground going to stay white or is this a placeholder?
I was thinking it would feel better if the ground was grass or dirt instead of just solid white.
What I liked:
I like the character design, the movement, the overall aesthetic of the game.
What needs some work:
I was just wondering if the fly enemies have a lot of health because I feel like you have to shoot a lot to kill them (when they are bunched up on the plant). Maybe find a way to balance this?
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