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(1 edit)

Well i dont really ´´like-like`` it at first, first he was just suuuper FUCKING annoying but... 😂😂 FUCK IT! Its fucking HILARIOUS to have a 9 year old troll who has nothing better to do in his failure of a life than to troll me! :D


Pretty sure you are the one who can't speak english properly. 

All you do is complain. I'm taking time out of my day to make you better. See once you stop talking like an idiot I'll leave you alone.

1. Havent still given me ANY prove of my ´´complaining``.

2. You CERTAINLY havent heard of a word ´´criticizing``.

3. Ill take back my request of mods banning you for your douchebaggism, your fucking HILARIOUS! 😂😂