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Have you ever considered making a clone of Pac-Man 256 without all the grind elements, as a pure arcade scoring affair with random elements, like you usually do? It could be a C64 game. You have all the expertise to do it.

I'd buy it day one. Pac-Man 256 has a great foundation, but the grinding and missions destroy its gameplay, making it a tedious unbalanced slog.

I'll put it in the request list but keep in mind that I have other projects in mind and the list already contains several other requests. Unfortunately, there is only one life and I really don't think I can please everyone.

(1 edit)

I didn't think of it as a request, I don't consider myself in any position to make one. More like an idea, since what you achieved is already quite close to it. I don't know if it interests you of if it would interest customers. You're obviously free to do whatever you please. You don't owe anyone anything.