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(1 edit) (+2)

Unfortunately I agree. I've got ADHD and I absolutely love to read, CYOA games are part of my favourite genres. But when it gets to be too much information and world building, my brain loses interest and no matter how hard I try, I can't stay engaged so I just end up skimming until I find something that seems interesting, which is a shame when someone spends so much time writing a full story.


i'm under professional suspicion of ADHD so yep, i feel you! but, with The Golden Rose as one of my favourite IFs, and ASOIAF as my fav book series, both known for having "endless" descriptions, it becomes clear the problem here is not our ADHD (i know that's not what you meant, just wanted to make it clear in case someone thinks that).

the difference between you and me is that i also have OCD: i don't skim, i feel like i have to read every single word 😭 so i just end up DNFing slow books altogether. which brings me to the question: has the author made any edits or got better regarding descriptions and info-dumping? i'd love to keep playing this game, but only if i know the slowness isn't forever. 

(1 edit)

I absolutely get that. I'm autistic as well (AuDHD) and I feel very uncomfortable not understanding the entirety of a setting in case I miss out on something crucial, but I get so absolutely word blind when the chapters get so incredibly descriptive and it seems like in the case of this WIP, that is unfortunately rather consistent. I understand the desire to elaborate when you've built an entire world, but you MUST consider that this is something that needs to capture your audience and keep them engaged, and when it drones on and on and on about things that have no impact or relevance to the rest of the story at all, some serious cutting needs to be done. 

What really helps me with books like ASOIAF is listening to audio books instead of reading them myself, that way I can draw/play games/DIY or whatever and still manage to pay attention to the story because of the additional stimuli.

I haven't got round to making edits; writing in general has been slower because of health issues I've been experiencing, but I listened to the feedback and I do intent to revise the demo.