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A member registered Apr 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you! ❤ The fully released game will be paid (tho I don't have a price in mind yet, it's something I'll work out once it's done). My plan is to have it available both in browser and for download.

Thank you! ❤ And to answer your question, no. You can go for Gawain in chapter 3 (and 4, and 5), and break up later (on good terms or not) and pursue other ROs.

Yes! Thanks for asking. Progress is steady but slow. I had a couple bad months (health-wise) , but now I'm feeling better. There isn't enough content yet for a public update, but I've been postig little updates to the demo on Patreon and ko-fi. I've been working on rewriting and expanding on the content featuring  the dragon companion, and once I'm done with all of it there will be a public update, however I cannot give you an estimate as to when that would be yet.

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Nope, the dragon friend is not a romantic option. The choice you're referring to wasn't meant as romantic jealousy, but the sort of jealousy that could crop up in a friendship. Granted, it's not handled very well because I do just randomly introduce it in the middle of chapter 5 and then drop it; it's when the idea came to me, and I was sort of testing it out before committing to the route. 

I haven't got round to making edits; writing in general has been slower because of health issues I've been experiencing, but I listened to the feedback and I do intent to revise the demo.

Thank you for the feedback! I admit, looking back on chapter 4 I did get way too carried away with descriptions and the slice of life aspect of it...I'm planning on going back and revising it, as well as taking out certain superfluous bits and editing scenes.

(1 edit)

Yep! (I've just been dealing with some health issues and haven't always been able to write so much)

It's my bad for not updating my various profiles but while my other game, SINY, is not abandoned, neither is it an active project right now. BoC is my main focus and priority, and it's taken me so much to update lately because of health issues I'm still treating. And no, I have no interest in having a ghost writer (if that would even be feasible). I quite enjoy the whole process of writing itself, you know? 

The full version of BoC will be available for purchase, though I have no idea of the price as of right now.

Thank you! ❤ And will have that bug handled.

Thank you for the feedback. You're not the first one to raise such concerns regarding pacing/lore dumping, and I've thought about it all and decided I will be making edits to the chapters in question (as well as other changes I've planned, like introducing Guin earlier). Now, I don't know exactly when I'll get round to doing that - if I'll manage by the next public update - but it's something I've noted and made plans for. 

Regarding the dragons, I'm not sure I fully understand what you mean? I'll admit I'm quite unsatisfied with the current dragon friend personalities, and I have the intention to change things - instead of choosing one big trait, which I feel have turned the way I write the dragon friend rather one-dimensional, I'll be adopting a different approach, using  "archetypes" in order to go more in depth with the characterization.

And yes, Mordred can romance Galahad while antagonizing him!

Again, thank you so much for the feedback! ❤

(1 edit)

I'm so glad you enjoyed those :) 

thank you for the tip! I'll edit all those instances at some point, i know they don't look great with the gaps 😅

Writer here, come to confirm what others have already helpfully said:  it's the puberty potion option, that's specifically there to open up choices for trans/non-binary Mordred. (clothes have nothing to do with it, Mordred can choose to wear whatever, cis or trans).

As Over the Moon said, BoC is very much active! I've just had ups and downs in my recovery with nerve entrapment and haven't always been able to write much.

Nope, the issue is just with the text in the stat page. Though of course if you notice something strange in the story itself do let me know!

Not yet! What I can tell you is that the next public update will be the second half of chapter 5.

Hi and thank you! It's still a work in progress. The Patreon version is ahead of the public demo, though currently not by a lot, just the arrival of the wedding guests in chapter 5.

Thank you! Those bits were written at different points in time and I got confused with my own timeline; I'll take a look at it and solve the issue. As for the Gawain thing - most likely a bug, will have that fixed too!

No worries, I always appreciate screenshots for typos and the likes. Thank you!

Mordred turns 18 in chapter 6; they'll be 19 for the rest of book one.

Thank you! ❤ I really appreciate the feedback; I wasn't satisfied with Guinevere's lack of content so far, either, so I've decided to make changes to give her an earlier introduction in chapter 3! This way Mordred (and the player) will get to meet her on-screen and interact with her, and we'll also see more of her in Arthur's POVs within that chapter. 

Thank you for catching that! 

Hi! Yeah that's def a bug in the relationship stats, will have it fixed! As for the strange conjugations - it's an issue I'm still working on, going everywhere and fixing each typo.

And thank you so much! ❤

Where did this bug appear?

Thank you so much! ❤️

Yeah the letter issue is a bug! Did you by any chance use an older save or the quick character creation? The latter had an issue with setting Gawain related variables but it should be sorted out now. 

And I can totally do a characters list! I'm thinking of it being its own page to keep track of important names, and also historical figures so you can check it at any time and refresh your memory!

The quick character creation should work now but let me know if you have any further issues!

It's the end of the current demo actually! Meaning the public version will still be updated (next time is when chapter 5 is complete). The Patreon version has a bit more content (you get to greet the wedding guests) but the game is still is progress.

And thank you! :)

I think, with the way saves are stored, they can  disappear if you cleared your cache? In any case, I don't think there's a way to get them back. But an update is coming soon (by the end of the month) so I would highly recommend replaying when it comes out since I've added/changed some bits as well as tweaked with some variables. (but if anyone doesn't feel like replaying, there's also an added quick-character creation to jump into chapter 5).

Arthur and Morgana have the same mother - Igraine - and different fathers - Uther being Arthur's, Gorlois being Morgana's. It's Igraine who is the Le Fay, so the one whose bloodline carries magic; but just having magical blood doesn't ensure one actually has active powers and is thus a sorcerer. So Igraine, Morgana and Arthur are all Le Fay but only Morgana has the magical powers. 

Also, while Morgana is not Uther's bio kid, she was legally adopted by him - it's why she thought she had a claim to the throne.

Thank you! ❤ Right now, besides Mordred crushing on Galahad there's not really more to his romance. And if you're interested about increasing your relationship with him in general - don't worry too much about it, the romance/friendship takes into account all sorts of routes, whether confrontational or friendly (basically I like it when you can challenge a character/disagree with them and it actually increases the relationship points). That said, there are certain choices in chapter 3 that can get him to start seeing Mordred in a different light. Generally the nice/soft/emotional ones, as well as things like telling him you're learning the magic of the Lady of the Lake and even one occasion where you kinda challenge his ideas. Anyway, going to the river with the intention of befriending him should help mellow him a bit!

This issue has me stumped right now so I too would really appreciate if anyone knew! It's really weird cause I've tried it on different devices and browsers and I can open the game fine. I've been trying to search the problem but I haven't found anything yet.

I'll take a look over the conversation you can have with Accolon the next day after the reveal in chapter 4 for any possible reactions/choices to be added!

Huh. I could open the game from different browsers, so it seems like an issue on your end. Do you have any add-ons that could be blocking the page?

In what sense do you mean? Are you unable to open the game at all, or does something happen while playing? Are you receiving any error messages?

Yes, I must have missed it during editing! Thank you, I'll get it fixed as soon as I can!

Thank you! I tweaked with the conversation with Nimue in chapter 1 and completely forgot it got referenced later :) Made the edit, will update the demo with it soon!

You mean, delay between selecting a choice and the next page being loaded? I'm not having any issues with it and I haven't had other players report on it, so it doesn't sound like a game-specific problem.

Thank you so much! ❤ And yeah, Morgana's intended to be a tragic villain 👀

Huh... I'll look over it and try to replicate the bug, see what's wrong!

(2 edits)

Sounds like a bug! Edit: Code looked fine initially but someone else also pointed out the issue, will get it fixed soon.