Nice work! Moving around in space and preserving momentum is a cool feeling, and the retro sounds add to it. Having all the controls displayed as check boxes is a great choice since you can explore them at your own pace. It's hard to get the controls right though which can make playing it a bit tedious. You asked for some feedback in the Discord so I'll add my thoughts here.
Aiming your shots is hard when they are aligned with the ship's rotation, especially when the ship eases slowly into facing forward. Faster minimum rotation and a visual crosshair could help a lot. Shots also curve when you're moving fast since they don't seem to inherit your ship's velocity, but adding that could probably make it feel tighter. Slight auto-aiming is of course also an option, or rapid fire with somewhat random angles, giving you move of a cone-shaped firing zone.
I couldn't quite figure out why I couldn't fire while moving and why the shield lasted such a short time. The reason was shared power, yet the indicator is a tiny label in the corner. Making a visual power indicator near the center of the screen could help since that's where you're always looking. Shield duration could probably also be increased since you're always low on power while moving and battling, making your shield only last a second.