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I would love to have the ability to "move" chars in the char set.  That is if i have an char defined say at 0 but i want to move it to location 255 all the char map data would update.  Optimizing for performance requires me to have specific location for some of the chars.

Another useful feature would be ability to select a char in the char set and have that char be highlighted in all the places it's used in the char map.

Thanks for the great software

(2 edits)


The ability to move characters with map/tile auto-correction already exists...

It is implemented in CharPad (and SpritePad) as a Swap operation...

1. Select the item you want to move (LEFT mouse button)...

2. Hold the CTRL key then select the item you want to swap with (LEFT mouse button).

The map (or tile-set) data will be automatically updated to appear identical.

It also works exactly the same way with the tile-set.

Thank you so much!  Can't believe i didn't discover this myself.  This is going to save me a lot of time.