Actually this is something that happened with what I consider was the base of 0.9. (the one I had on my laptop with my most recent changes) I created an issue I didn't have and I'm unable to find out how to fix it.
Otherwise with what is base of 0.9 I would have remove the player's mom (because it's an early switch/pages issue from the mom event in the house) I would have to remove her from the game entirely meaning all of the times she's in the story I would have to cut content she's in but I have no real desire to do that even if originally the MC's didn't have a mom and was living on his own...
So I had to start over from the version 0.8 I had on an external hard drive where the event with the mom in the house work as intended. So it's several set back again with several re-writes/page contents and image changes.