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The thing with Velox Formido compared to NaNoRenO is that the game has to be completed in the time allotted: no demos, no prologues, and it has to be a self-contained and finished game. Unfortunately I built my game's idea and visuals on having images of the flowers as choices, so no matter what, the flowers would have to be visuals, be it drawn by me or photo edited, both of which takes time orz.

I was thinking of publishing it after the jam for Blossom Jam, but I had a thought that it seems like it can be a part of another story I was kicking around in my brain, so I'm just gonna shelve it for then because it seems better suited to that story than a standalone piece imo.

That story will have its day in the sun, and maybe I'll be able to do a two day jam someday~ When I have better luck and less priorities, that is lol