Title Art? Amazing. Menus? Pretty good. The gameplay? ...well...
This game is definitely interesting, I can see this being very nice to play. But there are issues.
1) The amount of health you have is extremely little. Just 3 hits and you can be screwed. Wish the damage enemies gave you was decreased.
2) Why are there spiders? If there is only 2 teams why are there enemies that are against both? I find them annoying to deal with, but not because of them themselves, no no. It's because of...
3) THE. AIMING. Why must you aim with 2 buttons FAR AWAY from each other, AND then use a third button ALSO far from the arrows to shoot? If the aim was just forced to your last directional input I wouldn't mind it. But the way it is now is painfully annoying
Minor nitpick, 4) Why are there graphics of different sizing? I understand making art can be difficult and using ones online is fine, but PLEASE at least resize them so each graphic has a similar pixel density. (Also, the low density ones become blurry due to their size.)
Definitely not a bad idea, but its really hard to enjoy for me.