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This game is very difficult. I managed to complete the first level, though only because I went backwards, fell down to the lowest platform and rolled to the flag somehow. I did not actually get to see any other balls to merge with?

In the second level, you seem to be starting "floating" in the air rather than on a platform. At some point, the ball just shoots off in a direction and no way to control it. I see the rings on the platform below but the ball does not want to fall to it.

I have no experience creating 3D games, but I think the game can become more playable if you place it in a closed room instead of this enormous open space where you constantly fall to your death. Especially in early levels where the player needs to get familiar with the game. In Mario Kart you start with a simple map like Luigi Raceway, not the Rainbow Road :)


Don't let my comment discourage you though: I am very impressed you are brave enough to start with a 3D game for your first jam / Godot / game project! Keep it up!

(1 edit)

You find a ball to merge with in the second part of the first level i.e. after you reach the flag. I did want the player to infact fall off; that is why I made it very difficult to get on the platform. Yes the ball is very difficult to control. I will consider adding a few more basic levels in a closed enviroment like you suggested. 

I was not finding the ball floating in the second part of the first level. The ball just drops from a small height maybe and then you can move. Maybe my controls are too sensitive. There is supposed to be very little friction in an icy enviroment. Be sure to adjust your camera using mouse/trackpad before moving because the controls are aligned accordingly.

Thank you very much for your feedback. It really helped. I wish you good luck on your game development endeavors.

I think it was the  lack of a shadow that caused the perception of floating in the air. I forgot to add it to the scene. Sorry for the inconvinience.