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The NaN population thing happened to my scribes when there was a famine as a result of not enough grain. Just thought I should let you know.

Great game. Does sacrificing even do anything? Building temples, etc. Any tips would be nice. Do the "Gods" actually exist/care? Do the different classes actually care if you kill their people, etc?

Can you please make it so that 

A) The population grows. Unless there is not enough grain. In which case the population decreases. The peasant and craftsman populations would make sense to grow/decrease.

B) Can you make it so that the other city's soldiers do not magically go back up to their number? If a city has 800 soldiers, let's say, it will always be 800. If you kill 200, if you kill 20, by next turn it will always be back to 800 exactly. It makes it impossible to wither down.

I have no clue how to get more than 6 VP after a war. And I do not know what the enemy king's characteristic does. Or the other city's title of "City of Heroes" or whatever.

Let me know :) 

Thank you for such a great game.


Thank you, glad you like it! And thanks for letting me know about the NaN, that gives me an idea for how to fix it.

- The city titles are just a bit of historical flavour. For example, Uruk is "City of Heroes" because the hero Gilgamesh was from there. It doesn't do anything else.

- The enemy king's personality determines the battle tactics he's likely to pick. For example, a "cowardly" king is much more likely to pick a defensive tactic, so an indirect tactic would work best against him.

- You can get a "Crushing Victory" that gives 9 VP. You'll probably need to outnumber the enemy, pick the right tactic, and be pretty lucky as well.

- As for whether the gods exist, or sacrifices do anything – I'm afraid that's not for mortal humans to know. All I can say is that the Mesopotamians certainly believed they did. Have you tried sacrificing to a star yet?

I'll think about the population growth and the soldiers. That would add a lot of additional complexity to the system, though.