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A member registered Aug 09, 2017

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"National Socialist Authoritarianism isn't the same as Bolshevism, as it aims to protect the people's will/nation's will, thus democracy, even by force if necessary. Unlike Bolshevists which seek to establish a totalitarian genocidal communist one-party state. One is necessary evil and the other is pure evil."

Change the "ism" with whatever "ism" you like and copy paste.

The notion that democracy is what you favour and an undemocratic policy/government/decision is one that you disfavour is a dangerous notion.

Funny enough, hilarious even, The Nazis used the same argument. That they were the party of democracy and freedom. Because they favoured a government that came out via certain referendums than the November revolution.

One is something you favour, thus is "NECESSSARY" (might be evil, who cares).

One is something you disfavour, thus is EVIL!! (nothing more needs to be said).

This is a very dangerous line of thinking.

Anyone can argue that THEIR brand of authoritarianism is actually the one that is in favour of the people or a term they use without substance like liberty or democracy. Like I said, funny enough, the Nazis did exactly that. A socialist party that wasn't socialist, a democratic government that wasn't democratic. The same thing you semi-support?

I guess the big difference is the hatred of the Jews. Good that there is some discerning distinguishing difference between yourself and Hitler. Haha.

I found it hilarious that the best way to "win" is to follow the policies of the NSDAP. Playing the game according to SPD policy would be tolerance/lack-of-action in every turn, and austerity for the sake of toleration.

The NSDAP policy of Braun the President-Chancellor-Minister of Prussia. Massive public spending to boost the economy. Funding and expanding the police and military for aid against enemy paramilitary. And sacking any and all disloyal officers, judges, policeman, etc, in every corner, are as Hitlerism as you can get.

Sometimes the only way to ensure not failing is literally bribing the coalition parties to maintain the coalition.

SPD wins by becoming a non-anti-Semitic NSDAP. Hilarious.

Please make a sandbox mode or something. Push the end date to 1936. Make it possible to select policies, just give them a cooldown. Rather than random draw. Sort of akin to being able to shuffle leadership at will in easy mode. Like that but with a 3-6 turn timer. Or just make each month have two turns in it. Instead of one. 

I don't even know what causes neo-revisionism to come about. What is it? Sometimes it never occurs.

May I ask, in all honesty, what is the realistic basis that in 1930 Germany if a party started endorsing LGBTQ rights their support would increase?

The developer has stated that he would not want to do certain things, such as make the game last after the year 1933, because it would not be realistic.

Yet this is realistic? 🤔

By the way, I do the land reform three times and nothing happens. Just makes Zenstrum and old middle class hate me lol.

The grand coalition has DVP in it, which is a party who's sole purpose is to see you fail. You need public support which will allow you to be more independent. At least of DVP. Bigger percentage of seats in parliament the better it is.

Hi Autumn Chen, there's this game on, which is somewhat similar to this one, not really, but "government sim-esque", you know? Like no one knows about it/plays it. But it has the origins of a good game. Can I post the link here so that people can check it out? Some people get really pissy with ads or whatever, game has nothing to do with me btw, I just can see the dev worked quite hard on it and it gets like zero players, I feel like it needs exposure. Let me know.

"Embed a spy" is the second part of that line, isn't it? It increases relations with KPD. I notice that relations with KPD hardly increases without the USSR telling the KPD to increase relations at least once or twice. Zenstrum hates you if the KPD likes you. 

It's about appeasing the people, largely via fixing their issues :)

What is your main focus?

Mine is to support syndicalism/labour and pass the WTB plan to fix the economy then to campaign on that, mainly at least.

You need a niche.

I am economy focused. Some are in favour of being like the KDP and starting a civil war to win. Some are in favour of coalition/liberal government of austerity and stuff just to hang on to power and ride it out.

Played through five times.

Has random difficulty. The only random element is how many soldiers each other city will have. The other city will ALWAYS have that many soldiers. You can't dwindle it down. I am not sure if they ever stop paying you your annual tribute. If you beat enough of them there is a bug where they just give you 10 cattle in total instead of however many they all owe in total. Anyway, this randomness of enemy soldiers amounts is the only difficulty and it is random.

Game is simple. Get soldiers. Defeat enemies. Make them give you cattle. And that's the win.

Having a vassal takes too much time, not worth it.

If you want to make other cities build temples to your deity you cannot vassal them anyway.

Other than what I have listed nothing else matters. There is no permanent win end game scenario that I discovered.

Great game for standards. Cannot wait for the update.

Thanks! :)

It keeps saying "we have sacrificed 20 cattle to the city, and 5 additional to Inanna"

Who is Inanna? How do I stop doing that?

I agree with Alan, can you please make it so that a vassal can be forced to build a temple to Nabu.

Also, it seems sacrificing cattle in response to omens seems to work wonders to have good events happen instead of bad ones. 

I do wonder how one can win other than getting enough annual cattle tributes.

Also, can you make it so that I can declare war on a vassal state, in order to get them to start paying annual tribute.

What does entering into a marriage even do?

Vassals seem useless.

The NaN population thing happened to my scribes when there was a famine as a result of not enough grain. Just thought I should let you know.

Great game. Does sacrificing even do anything? Building temples, etc. Any tips would be nice. Do the "Gods" actually exist/care? Do the different classes actually care if you kill their people, etc?

Can you please make it so that 

A) The population grows. Unless there is not enough grain. In which case the population decreases. The peasant and craftsman populations would make sense to grow/decrease.

B) Can you make it so that the other city's soldiers do not magically go back up to their number? If a city has 800 soldiers, let's say, it will always be 800. If you kill 200, if you kill 20, by next turn it will always be back to 800 exactly. It makes it impossible to wither down.

I have no clue how to get more than 6 VP after a war. And I do not know what the enemy king's characteristic does. Or the other city's title of "City of Heroes" or whatever.

Let me know :) 

Thank you for such a great game.

Deporting Hitler is not an option that comes up. After using the internal ministry on the far right three times, you can keep repeating the action with no change in text or anything.

You can write newsletters but cannot spell the name of your own state? You should learn to spell California properly first of all. 

The best way, that I found, to get KPD to like you, is to man the foreign ministry and improve relations with the USSR, and request that they help improve KPD's relations with you. If you do that twice, KPD will be open to becoming allied with you. THEN, you actually need them to like you. But before that they won't even improve relations if you try.

I really wish it was possible to play on after winning the civil war.

The Young Plan did pass. And does pass in this game too. You're confusing it with the referendum which was held to denounce the Young Plan. Which got 14.9% of the voters partaking in it.

In the game, if you have the foreign ministry, you can suspend the reparations. It is guaranteed if you notify the foreign powers that the right wing parties are attempting to remilitarize the German military. The right wing parties hate you for it though.

A bug:

Sometimes the Reichsbanner's militarization is: 0.19999999...8%

What is the historical reason for that? DNVP and Zenstrum not being in coalition.

And what is YOUR favourite way to play Mr. Dev. Any tips/tricks for us?

How can I make the Reichsbanner gain maximum militarization?

A bug: 

On hard, the right-parties formed a coalition, the game thinks that parliament is suspended and Bruning is using Hindenberg to pass edicts.

A bug:

Aufhauser, the labour advisor, his name appears as Leipart.

Labour doesn't waste a deck space. It increases relations with workers and decreases relations with the "bourgeoisie" parties. Or vice-versa.

The West always allows you to pause reparations if you inform them of the right wing parties attempts at re-militarization of the German army.

The WTB is not repeatable. You do it once to come up with the plan on the governmental level, then do it again to enforce it. You do it once, it needs two "button-presses" to go through.

There is a way to get this united-front. You need very good relations with KPD, and KPD & SPD need 50% of the votes in the election. You also need 3 party resources for bribery, if you don't have VERY good relations with KPD.

Your coalition partners need to have good relations with you. Easiest way is inter-party affairs, via party cards deck. You need 1 party funding. Or use an advisor, I like Braun, who can increase coalition-partners relations.

I dislike the fact that

A) You cannot form a militarized paramilitary force. The Reichsbanner is an activist organization, not a military one. And cannot turn into a military one. It's training and equipment is always "low".

B) You really cannot change the SPD. As in, it is always a parliamentarian liberal party, well let's call them socialists via contemporary lingo. Why can't I make them "communist"? Or anarchist? Or even proper liberal, a "bourgeoisie" party that gets the support of the "middle-class", the rich, the military, etc. 

I wish appointing Labour, or Left into advisory roles, "strengthening" them, actually did something. Internal factions "strength" really does nothing. Neorevivalists or whatever the neo-'s are called, do nothing. Or at least nothing so far. The left is composed of a guy that wants to cozy up to the KPD and a woman that does nothing. The KPD are braindead yes-man of Stalin in the USSR.

The SPD is incapable of engaging in populism. This is my biggest gripe.

Game is too realistic! Allow me to chart my own course please.

There was an election that happened in my game in 1932, NSDAP 47%, DNVP 4%. *I* was asked, "NSDAP-DNVP coalition? Or, No Majority Government". In this situation the question is left up to the NSDAP and also to DNVP. I have no say in this. I feel they should have formed a coalition and formed government. I believe this is a bug.

Hey man, great game. I wish I could play past 1933 Jan, or even just past winning the civil war, though. There is a huge randomness element to the game because you don't know which card you'll get. It is a really interesting strategy game set in a very interesting time period. I love it! Bug with the unemployment. Shows ex: 12.00000000009% sometimes. Thought it should say 12% instead. Cannot get populace's support up past 38%, majority non-coalition government seems impossible. Is there entropy for support? As in, it constantly wanes by itself? Game is easy once you know what to do. Love that fact, of just tinkering with it until you perfect it. I hope this becomes a demo for a FULL game that will come out on Steam. I don't know how one develops games, but man I wish I could do something this great.