This was really fun!
Good to hear!
The SMG could stand to be a bit more accurate considering its low damage, but the only enemy that gave me trouble was the first mech because my instinct was to circle strafe it and it didn’t work out.
I’m intentionally making it kinda awkward as it’s meant to be a backup weapon. The next weapon I’ll be making is a Railgun for actual sniping.
kept getting keycards without realizing it but that’s a me problem
One of these days I need to actually have the pickup notices stack up so it’s not so easy to miss them when you pick up a bunch of stuff in a row. I also really need to update the colors to match the new keycards instead of reskinning them with the old ones, lol.
they feel like the chaff to a more challenging enemy that hasn’t shown up yet.
I’m kinda aiming for a Quake/Doom roster where an individual enemy usually isn’t a big deal and the challenge comes more from dealing with shitloads of them at once in awkward situations. Each demo day I’ll be revisiting and tuning the encounters on each map to better get towards this. For now the current maps represent roughly the first half so I don’t want them to be too difficult.
shooters feel like a health tax more than anything since their attacks are hard to avoid but go down easily.
My big task for DD57 is a major AI rework. Due to how the current tracking function works there’s no way to completely eliminate it which I don’t want, as circle-strafing is an intended strat. That said, the basic goons and TVBots fill a role similar to the chaingunners in Doom where there is always a chance they’ll hit you regardless. I’m probably going to reduce the damage though as making their projectiles too slow would completely trivialize them at range.
Thanks for your feedback!