Thank you! It sounds like you were really close to that 4th secret!
A lot of item rooms will be going away soon as the map is much bigger in the full version and items are spread apart. I wanted a way for everyone to try the items early in this small demo, sort of like a vertical slice of the full game. Adding combat trial is a good idea! I’ll definitely take into account more abilities to attack on the move, and I think one ability that’s already in the works will make you happy, it lets you burst forward even in air, like an offensive back-dodge, but forward. Oh, and did you know that you can also climb up onto jump-through platforms you’ve hooked onto from below by pressing up? You’re right on the money with using that ability in the future for floors that move or disappear/re-appear. I think it’s going to be good as a boss mechanic as well, a way to get out of the way when the floor is unsafe from an attack or maybe a lava flood? With the current boss, you can also force him back. Attacking him may not directly hurt him, but it pushes him out of the way until your target is clear. Just be ready to dodge when he starts to swing. His big throw attack also has a very important trigger. :) I bet you’ll catch it next time you beat him, now!
The log was just my idea of a spooky looking bridge, but I love the idea of being able to push/roll a log out of the way to open a new area! Thank you for all the great ideas and for playing! Every bit of feedback helps make the game even better. I love your ideas!