I hadn't seen this jitter before, but if I agro the entire map it starts happening for me too, so must be performance issues. I'll see if I can do anything about it.
i'm not so sure that it's performance related because i get a different kind of lag when in a large firefight. if i had to guess it would be related to the camera and the player ship. the gif i sent was moments after getting off the carrier ship (hence the white flash) and i had no aggro. good luck finding the bug!
I can't reproduce the jitter reliably on my machine. Someone in the thread said it might be a Godot problem where the physics step is out of sync with the idle step and that Godot 4.3 will fix this... In the meantime I've uploaded a new build which caps at 60fps, if you could let me know if that solves the issue that'd be great.