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it might just be a mapgen thing, or an item drop chance. some runs are easier than others if you find a lifesteal ring early on.

Yeah good point, this run the only ring I got was for faster spell casting haha. Still, difficulty could probably be toned down a little bit in the start and harder later.

i worry about this. im afraid that if an enemy is 4.1 units away and the max range is 4 units, the player will see the swing and assume he is hitting. when nothing happens it's a clear indication of "oh i need to move closer". some enemies outrange the player, so i worry about a player standing their ground and wondering why their attacks dont hit.

For me I guess I'm just expecting it to work just like in Diablo.

the idea was to make it use the one-handed arts (just no shield). kinda didn't end up being fun, so i'm still wondering how to improve it. 

Spears are hard to make interesting I think. Maybe you should be able to wield it either 2h or 1h with reduced damage? I don't know.

maybe it would make sense for 2H weapons to benefit more from STR. in general, though, i have a fine time playing with 2H weapons, so it's hard to gauge

The damage seems fine for 2H, was just a general thought.

no specific order.

Oh whoops hah, I always thought the ordered mattered for the weapon type. I often rely on the goblin to get a usable weapon.

skeletonland is currently marked as my "too hard" moment

I think I find it more tedious than hard, have to kite a looooot... Unless you have a shield yeah. Not sure what solution I'd propose, well I guess it would be new enemies. One way could be more melee variations of skeletons, recolors and with different weapons for example, some elemental effects. 

again, thanks for the feedback as always! glad to hear youre feeling better and i will see you in the fest soon

Thanks, I still find it fun to replay it. There are a million things I'd like to have done before the fest but I won't manage any really hehe. I'll just have to get over myself and put up the demo I think, don't think there are that many people checking these things out anyway. See ya there.